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End Times
In this course, Joel Richardson surveys some of the most important and foundational passages and themes related to the subject of eschatology. From Genesis to Revelation, Joel presents a clear overview of the Lord’s prophetic plan for the ages. This course will clear away much of the fog of confusion that often surrounds the subject of biblical prophecy.
- A clear understanding of the difference between the Greek philosophical worldview and the biblical worldview.
- How understanding Messianic prophecy unlocks biblical prophecy.
- What are the key texts and themes that every Christian must understand in order to know what is to come.
- Why the Church must recover the Maranatha cry for the return of Jesus that fueled the early Church to turn the world upside down in a single generation.
- The relationship of prophecy to missions, evangelism, and the Great Commission.
- The Day of the Lord: A Simple Introduction
- An Introduction to the Islamic End Time Paradigm
- The Biblical Testimony Concerning Hell
- Some Thoughts on Martyrdom and Cultural Engagement
- Will There Be a Literal Temple Rebuilt in Jerusalem Before Jesus Returns?
- The Biblical Fall Feasts and the Return of Jesus
- The Grace Movement: Pros and Cons
- A Defense of the Domitianic Date of the Book of Revelation (By Mark Hitchcock)
- Daniel’s Prophecy of Seventy Weeks
- The Antichrist’s false peace treaty
- Daniel’s 70th Week Revisited?
- Daniel 8: 2,300 Evenings and Mornings
- Daniel 11:21-35: History or Future?
- Daniel 11:40-45 Two Kings or Three?
- Daniel 11: The Key to Unlock The Prophecies of Daniel
- A Critique of the Preterist Interpretation of Daniel 2 & 7
- The Nations of Gog Magog
- Six Reasons Why Gog is the Antichrist
- Is the Gog Invasion a Failure or Success?
- Understanding the Timing of Gog and Magog
- Rosh: Russia or Chief?
- Gog as Antichrist from Asia Minor: A Historical Survey
- Identifying the Gog Magog Invaders
- Gog of Magog: Destroyed on the Mountains of Israel?
- Gog of Magog and the Great Earthquake
- Thrown alive into the lake of fire? Are Antichrist and Gog the same individual?
- The shameful burial of the Antichrist
- The Battle of Gog of Magog & the Return of Jesus
- Burning weapons during Jesus’ millennial reign
- Ezekiel, Magog and the Scythians
- Ezekiel 38-39, Psalm 83, Muslim Demographics, and the Great Delusion
- Is Imminence Biblical?
- Does Revelation 3:10 teach a Pretrib Rapture?
- Why is the word Church not mentioned after Rev 4:1?
- John 14: Mansions in Heaven?
- Jacob’s Trouble: Not for the Church?
- Not Appointed to Wrath
- Who is the Bride and Where is the Wedding?
- Debunking Before the Wrath Film
- E-mail exchange with Jay McCarl and Brent Miller Jr.
- Would Jesus Beat up His Bride?
- Rapture or Apostasy?
- The Parable of the Foolish and Wise Virgins
- The Mystery of the Rapture and the Resurrection
- What the Early Church Believed About the Rapture
- The Shepherd of Hermas on the Rapture
- Irenaeus on the Rapture
- Hippolytus on the Rapture
- Victorinus on the Rapture
- Eusebius on the Rapture
- Pseudo-Ephrem on the Rapture (part 1)
- Pseudo-Ephrem on the Rapture (part 2)
- Debunking Lee Brainard’s False Rapture Claims
- 2 Ezra and Enoch on the Rapture
- What is Dispensationalism and Why it Must Die
- William C Watson’s Dispensationalism Before Darby Debunked
- Caesarius of Arles and Aspringius on the Rapture
- Oecumenius and Bede on the Rapture
- Andrew of Caesarea on the Rapture
- Did Darby Preach Another Gospel?
- Jesus and Paul on the Rapture
- Luke 21: That You May Escape All These Things
- Who is The Restrainer?
- No Man Knows the Day or Hour
- Identifying False Prophets and The Rapture
- Pre-Wrath Strengths and Problems
- Post-Trib Strengths and Weaknesses
- Pre-Wrath or Post-Trib
- How Pretrtibulational Dispensationalism Can Lead to Another Gospel
- Proof of Giants at Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia?
- A Response to Dr. Michael Heiser Concerning the Location of Mt Sinai
- The Biblical significance of Jabal Al-Lawz (by Charles Whittaker)
- The First Mention of Midian in an Arabian Epigraphic Text