Joel Richardson

Dr. Reagan’s Lamplighter Article Online


A week or so ago, I mentioned that Dr. David Reagan had written an article which contained a critical review of Antichrist: Islam’s Awaited Messiah as well as God’s War on Terror, which I co-authored with Walid Shoebat. The article is now online on Dave’s site in the latest issue of Lamplighter Magazine. Click here to read the PDF.

My initial response was to invite Dr. Reagan to discuss our theological disagreements in a book together. This would give the body o Christ a chance to compare our respective cases. That invitation may be read here. Unfortunately due to prior commitments, Dr. reagan was not interested in such a joint venture.

Since then, Dr. Reagan and I have exchanged several very cordial e-mails but have essentially agreed to disagree. I did inform Dr. Reagan that I have written a response to his article which will be released here in another week or two.

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