Joel Richardson

The New Middle East: Political Developments and Prophetic Significance


Daniel chapter 11, vv.21-45, and most particularly vv.40-45, give us some very significant details concerning some of the more important last-days battles that will take place between the King of the South—which is Egypt—and the King of the North, which is Antichrist. And as I have expressed here many times, I believe a significant case can be made for the King of the North to come from Turkey, though it must be qualified that Syria is also a very tenable possibility. The most recent June 30 Revolution in Egypt that saw the ouster of Muhammad Morsi and the fall of the Muslim Brotherhood from power has certainly led to a significant rift between Turkey and Egypt that is widening by the day. While the vast majority of the Egyptian people have taken a strong stance against the Muslim Brotherhood, Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his Islamist AK Party have emerged as the strongest supporters of the Brotherhood. This most recent development is reported on from the BBC: Egypt expels Turkish ambassador. Meanwhile, PM Erdogan digs in. Concerning the second scenario, one in which Syria is divided into segments that eventually gives rise to the “little horn” Antichrist of Daniel 7 & 8, Caroline Glick details some other significant developments in The Jewish World Review. All in all, both developments are significant for those who are alert and paying attention to the testimony of the Biblical prophets. I believe that the end of this age and the coming of the Messiah is closer than most think. Let us be about the work of the Lord

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7 Responses

  1. You are so right, Joel. IF the LORD does not slow down the process (for His own purposes) we could see within 20 years the return of Christ or less! Many pieces are starting to gel now…but UNLESS you are paying attention to the biblical prophets in the context of Mid East developments…everything in daily life is just the same as it was yesterday. But the bigger prophetic picture says otherwise. Time is becoming urgent now for the Church to start to prepare to be tried for her faith and love in the LORD. I believe a severe birth pang will become necessary to really shake the Church and get her attention. Our brothers and sisters in the LORD are becoming martyrs and their blood in the Mid East is spilling…Islam is in the world’s face now, but that will be nothing compared to a restored Islamic Caliphate under its Mahdi! The Beast is an accurate adjective to describe the effects upon the world.

    But as the seals of the Book of Revelation are opening, the affects will be subtle then as they are put together they form the undeniable picture of what has to take place before the Bride can walk down the aisle to be married to her King-husband. If the seals do not open, the Bride will be forever standing at the altar waiting…God the Father will not let that happen! God’s Son will marry His Bride in the King’s City! But to do that, all seals must be broken…are we watching?

  2. with the “historic” agreement with Iran today we seem to be inching closer to the AC’s peace agreement somewhere down the line..

  3. @ good 4 u,
    Really do you think 20 years? Do you not see how rapidly things are happening? Things change in days not months or even years. The weak western church thinks they are still the center of everything, since we are not yet being killed and terrorized somehow its not happening. Why would Satan even care to mess with the sleeping virgins without oil in their lamps, they are no threat. Keep sitting in your pews and rushing home from “church” to watch football, that is powerful for the kingdom. LoL

  4. I’m not so sure about that, Clark Gear. I do not think the LORD will come tomorrow if that is what you are inferring. But IF I live long enough, WATCH AND PRAY as the LORD commands, I do believe I am living in the generation that will see the LORDs return! Didn’t I say 20 years or LESS? I think I did.

    Not all of the Western Church is sleeping and why believers like me do my best to warn their pastors, and fellow believers who will listen to the urgent call to understand the times in which they live and to make sure they share the gospel message of Jesus with those around them in any way possible because the King IS coming very soon! The prophetic writing is on the wall and the sands of time is slipping away and then the Messianic Kingdom will be at hand.

    Granted, most will not listen. But that does not absolve me of the responsibility to state the truth and take my stand.

  5. I have been recently been following Joel’s commentary on the middle east and Ezekial 38 and 39. His ideas make much more sense than the idea of a Russian invasion of Israel. Turkey seems like the likely country. For those of you interested I recently have followed Walid Shoebat and sent money to help Christians being persecuted through his Raoul Wallenburg project. They even rescue them in life threatening situations.

  6. None of us should be dogmatic about the day or hour at this point. We will KNOW when the seals are all broken but they are not yet. Just me being me however, I will throw out a date. Rosh Hashanah 2029, with the Tribulation beginning Rosh Hashanah 2022. Fits perfectly with Hosea 6:2 (Christ’s death in 30 AD), fits perfectly with the seven year cycles 2001, 2008, 2015, etc.

    The Spirit says “come”…

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