Joel Richardson

The Rise of Turkey: The Mediterranean’s New Regional Naval Power

In 2003-2004, I wrote Islamic Antichrist (previously titled Antichrist: Islam’s Awaited Messiah). At that time, based on a careful interpretation of Ezekiel 38-39 and several other relevant prophetic texts, I predicted that in the days ahead, Turkey would emerge as a regional power with expansionist ambitions. In those years however, the consensus among conventional geo-polticial […]

The New Middle East: Political Developments and Prophetic Significance

Daniel chapter 11, vv.21-45, and most particularly vv.40-45, give us some very significant details concerning some of the more important last-days battles that will take place between the King of the South—which is Egypt—and the King of the North, which is Antichrist. And as I have expressed here many times, I believe a significant case […]

Joel Richardson

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