Joel Richardson

When Antichrist Invades Jerusalem

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3 Responses

  1. Africa, turned one way, is the donkey’s jawbone, while turned the other, is the extension of the ‘wings of abomination’ rooted at the junction of Arabia and Egypt. India’s southern peninsula forms a sort of ‘dragon’s tail.’ An Islamic clean sweep of Africa and India would be the big advance of the enemy. The Crimean Peninsula sits at the thumb of the Islamic ‘angel,’ where Islam reached up to choke off the eastward spread of the Gospel. The Crimean Khanate sold millions into slavery. It was sponsored by the Ottoman snake/footstool empire.

  2. Thank you, Joel, for great argueing based on Scripture only! I too, can’t see anything else from Scripture but a hostile invasion of Jerusalem by the Antichrist and his troops. Great statement at the end, by the way, that Jesus will finish this evil guy off within no time. What a great future we have! What GREAT HOPE it is to know that we are on the victory side!! Thank you, Lord JESUS! Maranatha!

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