Joel Richardson

The Underground Episode 73: John Harrigan on Romans 11 and Paul’s Missiology

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11 Responses

  1. Amen amen amen! This former pagan lost, hopeless gentile is rejoicing! My heart is with Israel and the reputation of our God will be vindicated when He fulfills His promises.

  2. Never realized how much my beliefs had been affected by Plato and Hellenism until I read John Harrigan’s book, Gospel of Christ Crucified. So much more to his book than this though! A wonderful book and young man, indeed. A part of my library of books by the other wonderful young man, Joel Richardson.


  3. Thank you again for a great episode of The Underground.
    I thank God for the books available through this ministry.
    We live in amazing days and am so aware of the need for the Church to understand the Jerusalem/Israel/Middle East centricity of the complete Bible.
    May He use your ministry and those you have introduced us to more and more with each passing day.

  4. When John came out with his book, I had some mental notes running in my minds that were similar. Being of German-Irish descent and also falling into disfavor with Luther, I really appreciate Harrigan’s effort to write thi book.

  5. Yes it will be open. Also, I just was with Jay Thomas this week in Israel and received your hello. If you are able, I would love to meet you.

  6. Again want to thank you for your strength & wisdom in spreading the gospel along with your guests. Just wish you would put out some DVD s on these teachings of the underground episodes! I would buy them and distribute them to people I know who have no internet! Believe me there are still some older & younger people I know who only have basic needs ????
    Or cannot afford the price of internet into their homes nor do they want to.. I feel along with a few other teachers, you & your friends are here for such a time to wake us from our slumber.
    In Jesus our Lord & Salvation may he Bless us all the Middle East,Africa China where so many are suffering real persecution

    Just a grateful sinner

  7. Excellent episode Joel! I just now saw this, you must have posted it while we were in Israel. I was thrilled that you had John Harrigan on again, especially because we just had a discussion with you about him & his incredible book while we were there! I had no idea that “Replacement Theology” had already crept in to the Church in Paul’s time, which sheds even more light on Romans 11 & what he was dealing with at the time. It’s so sad that many Jews rejected Jesus, in part, for His inclusion of the Gentiles, to whom they felt superior to, and then much of the Gentile Church rejected the Jews & saw themselves as both superior to & in many cases a replacement for the Jewish people. It must just break God’s heart. Thank you also for mentioning the jealousy issue, I have felt that at times & felt so guilty & confused by it – I’m relieved to know I’m not the only one who has struggled with that. Your equating of our inclusion as Gentiles into God’s chosen family & being equally loved as they are by our Father brought to mind the beautiful picture & reality of Adoption. I can’t tell you how much joy & understanding this has brought to my heart!

    It was such a pleasure to meet you, not only in PERSON but while in THE LAND!!! In addition to being an excellent writer, you are a man with a heart after God’s own heart & with a love for ALL of His children- both Jew & Gentile alike – just as Jesus calls us to be. It was also fantastic to discover that you are just as funny as you are deep, I haven’t laughed (or cried) that much in quite some time, so thank you, both were long overdue!

    You & your family are always in our prayers,

    Sara Lillis

  8. Hi Sara,

    Yes, for sure. John has been one of my biggest influences in my life. He and his family have impacted me beyond what I can express. And yes, it was great to meet you and Charlie. You guys are a precious family. The appreciation is mutual. I had a super great time for sure. Thanks so much for the prayers. The spiritual resistance has been particularly thick this year, so it really really means a lot.


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