Joel Richardson

The Underground Episode 30: Turkey, Geopolitics, and ISIS

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10 Responses

  1. Thankyou Joel

    Us readers and supports appreciate you, your ministry and your guests very much. We continue to pray for you, your family, the Mid east and your colleagues serving in the mid east (and Nepal).

    Keep striving for glory

  2. Very good show both, truly the Lord has some lovely people.
    Some very much needed clarification. Thanks for letting there be somewhere we can come for reasoned and balanced edification. Bless you both.

  3. Joel,

    This may be a bit off topic but figured I’d ask anyway.
    Your hypothesis is that the final beast empire will be an Islamic (Turkish Ottoman) Caliphate. The bible describes the final beast as being a compilation of Leopard (Greek/Macedonian) Bear (Medo-Persia-Iran) Lion (Iraq/Babylonian) and the Terrible beast with the teeth of Iron and 10 horns(Ottoman Empire). The beast has the body of a Leopard (it’s main component)the other components are mouth, claws, iron teeth and horns.

    How do you envision this Greek/Macedonian component coming into play?
    The main Geographic uniqueness of this Greek empire that spanned the middle east africa and asia is the Greece/Macedonian territories. We dont currently see this component as being active or coordinating at this time with Iran Iraq Ottoman Empire(Turkey)or ISIS.

  4. The things foreshadowed in history may not always correlate precisely with the eschatological counterparts. So we need to be careful not to be overly rigid in assuming it will. Thats said, it very well could. If so, Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia etc., There are all Muslim majority. Former Ottoman controlled. Who knows what the future might hold?

  5. If i might add a thought regarding Will’s comment, i think similar thoughts.
    But im seeing that Daniel 11 could actually be saying that it is only the northern arm that is the Leopard in the future, which from what i can gather did not include Greece. As ch 11 is a continual story with a time leap, (at least i think) that the same northern area today can be legitimately called the northern arm of the Grecian empire. So really although Greece could be apart, i no longer see the need for it to be so, but that’s just me. (smiley face).

  6. Joel, Linda,

    Thanks for the feedback. I just mentioned the topic because I dont recall this subject being discussed previously. It’s the one part of the final beast that I have not heard much discussion about or seen much activity in. As you both say at least some portion of that empire must somehow be involved and at some point make it’s move. (This is why I did not simply specify Greece but more importantly Macedonia)

    Some nations move slow and steady in a certain direction that is easy to predict but other nations go in a seemingly opposite direction until a pivotal event occurs and then in a flash they’ve turned the table and are going in the other direction. Take Egypt for instance: First Mubarak that held things together – not great but somewhat liveable, then Morsi was in control with a harsh radical islamist regime and then in a flash El Sisi came to power who seems to be a great blessing for Democracy, Coptic Christians and Israel/Jews. But sadly at some point the Harsh master is gonna arrive and people are going to have to endure great oppression and terrible suffering. Egypt seems to be of the Flip-Flop variety rather than the predictable direction type. In the end all things are gonna go exactly as they have been determined even though it may be difficult to see the evidence of it at the current time. The good news (as you have mentioned Joel) is that God is going to make (is making) a great harvest in Egypt(My People) Assyria (The work of My hands) and Israel (My inheritance).

  7. What happened to my comment? Was it considered inappropriate or incorrect? It just disappeared after being approved and posted without any explanation. Please advise. Thank you.

  8. I have been migrating my site to a new server the past week or so. As such, some comments and such have been lost in the process.

  9. Tank you very much for your direct and clear informations. We in Germany are not able to get them from our media.

    God bless you

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