Joel Richardson

The Kansas City Prophetical School


Announcing the Kansas City Prophetical School.

KCPS exists as a series of open meetings and convocations with the purpose of exalting Jesus Christ and mining precious truths from the Word of God concerning the critical issues of our time. We are especially focused on equipping the saints with understanding from the prophetic Scriptures regarding Israel, the Church, and the Last Days. The pastoral, evangelistic, and theological implications of these matters are vast, and it behooves the Church to peer long and hard—with much intercession—into this “burning bush”; to search the Scriptures for understanding, and to live in light of the Biblical testimony, until “all the things about which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets” have been fulfilled.

The school will be open to leaders and saints of all congregations, with the shared vision of prayerfully plumbing the depths of the Scriptures in this most crucial hour. Our jealousy is that the Lord’s prophetic testimony would be made “plain upon tables, so he may run that reads it.” (Hab. 2.2)

The first public meeting will be November 13, 2012 in Kansas City. My dear friend and brother, Reggie Kelly of The Mystery of Israel will be speaking. Click here for more info and directions.

Also, mark your calendars for the Holy Convocation 2013, February 22-23 featuring speakers:
Reggie Kelly, Dalton Thomas, Scott Volk, and Joel Richardson.

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8 Responses

  1. Hello Joel,

    thanks, for all the insight you have given concerning our times. The revelation concerning the role of Islam in connection to the Anti-Christ and Gog-Magog is probably one of the most important and needed paradigma shift concerning interpreting the prophetic word. (Besides the post-trib)

    I have been a fervent prophecy student since my conversion, more than 20 years ago, and did read the most cutting material concerning prophecy. At the moment I do have one major concern concerning interpreting prophecy. Like all other authors concerning prophecy I studied, I never agreed for 100% on all matters they presented, wow I don’t believe that any prophecy-teacher has a 100% accurate and comprehensive view concerning the whole picture.

    I say this, because certainly after the recent elections in the USA, I believe it becomes essential to understand, the role of the USA in these prophetic times. For this reason I urge you to read the book ‘The End of America’ written by John Price with the subtitle ‘The Role of Islam in the End Times and Biblical Warnings to Flee America’. While I have not finished this book yet, I do believe that Lord will deal with the US in the most severe way and the everybody needs to be alerted.

    Kindle link:

    I am also not convinced concerning your view about Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17, Bible prophecy is far more detailed then common assumed.

    Anyway, keep a broad perspective and bless all of you,


  2. I have read John Price’s book and thoroughly disagree with the view that America is Mystery Babylon. This isn’t to say that I do not agree with many of his assessments concerning our country, and in fact, we may be greatly humbled etc. But there are simply way too many problems Scripturally and otherwise with the view that the US is Mystery Babylon. But God knows best.


  3. Hey Joel!

    A prophetic school to study biblical prophecy? Kansas City is so blessed! How exciting is that! Wooo hoooo! 🙂

    A little piece of “heaven on earth” for serious prophecy students…God’s blessings poured out to help those, i.e., the church, to prepare for what is surely to come in a terrible cup of trembling upon the world…

    My prayers to lift you up for this new launch and brand of your ministry to God’s people.

    Many blessings to you and your team in the Prophetic School ministry!

  4. I am not running the events, just participating when possible. I would suggest checking the web-site and watching for upcoming events. They will, I believe, be placing videos of each event online and constantly updating the site with various articles and contributions from the various folks involved.

  5. Can hits KCPS Series be in Online Live Stream or Video Series? It will benefits other that cannot go to Kansas City

  6. All will be made clear in the midst of the fulfillment, as it was when Jesus first came to earth. Fulfillment meaning: Heaven passed by, or more literally intercepted atmosphere: the incarnation.
    Those that know the Word of Truth will comprehend fulfillments. Those that don’t will barely escape and many will turn away. They will be prone to the delusion.
    I think of Mary. She knew what to do. She must have known the prophecies, steadfastly known, enough to not need to go and search it out. Immediately she was handmaiden. And I suspect she had not pre-determined exactly what the prophecies exactly meant. She was waiting for Messiah. When God came, He revealed. She submitted. She obeyed.
    The burden: We are restless. We are like sheep without a shepherd. We are careless. Mostly godless. Loveless. Spoon-fed. Not seekers of truth. Passively led.
    We need to lay hold of the Kingdom with force, with effort by the Power of Holy Spirit as Instructor, not man. He has given His Word. We need to grab it for all it’s Worth, which is everything. God-breath to be breathed in and breathed out, particularly as evil is unleashed in the last days.
    I beg everyone I know to memorize. Not necessarily opinion-ize. Though I certainly have my opinions and they gather volume with every effort of Bible Memory and review. I beg everyone I know to Love the Truth and so be saved, and keep loving it, so to continue to be saved in the midst of what is coming.
    Mystery Babylon? Is what? A MYSTERY. 🙂
    Until the time when the mystery is revealed.
    Yep. Watch. Wait. Fast. Pray. And memorize with force as much as you can of the Law and the Prophets and the transcribed Testimony of Jesus, so Genesis all-the-way-thru to the Revelation. If you’re bold, begin at the end. 🙂
    We may lose internet freedom. We may lose books with paper pages. We may lose Kindle. We may lose histories and ages. But they cannot take what is imprinted on human minds and hearts.
    Our goal must be to literally go down with His Word on our tongue and His anchor of Hope in our fist and holding as view His own resistance to the point of brutally shed blood. Our goal is to go down knowing we go up. No reason to fear. What an absolute glory to live in the last days. I want to. I hope to. Yet, not as I will, but as He wills.

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