Joel Richardson

Mystery Babylon: Unlocking the Bible’s Greatest Prophetic Mystery


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77 Responses

  1. Hi Joel!

    Much success on the launch of your newest book! I’m sure it will be a strong contender in solving the age old conundrum of this most shrouded subject in all of holy scripture. As the new year is ushered in shortly, let us ever be vigilant in prayer and watchfulness to understand the times in which we live as we seek the LORD’s return who is the only One who can bring peace to a war torn earth.

    Praying for peaceful resolution to the Syria-Iraq war. Amen!


  2. Looking forward to it. Might actually order it all the way to South America if the dollar falls a little bit.

    Joel, do you know about a book in which the author describes the rise of modern Islam comparing it to the process of waking up, opening the eyes, getting up and so on? A couple years ago I stumbled upon an article on WND where the author wrote about this, and how at the time the book was ridiculed by a journalist. I think it was this that somehow linked me to your book When a Jew Rules the World, years before getting to know about you. I’ve tried to find the article again without success, so if you somehow know about this book, could you share it?

    Also, thanks for your work. I’ve come to see Israel through another eyes after being acquainted to your content. May the Lord keep guiding you.


  3. Hi good4U,

    I will be getting your address to send you one for free. Thanks again for your help in early reviews.

    Bless you!

  4. Hey Joel, just ordered and can’t wait! I have “Islamic Antichrist”, “Mideast Beast”, and “When a Jew Rules the World” and have enjoyed them all. But more importantly, it has reshaped my thinking and study of future events with regards to whom the beast power might be. Plus, it has allowed me to share those thoughts with others who never even considered the possibility of a non-European scenario. You have certainly opened my eyes and allowed me to do the same for others.

    Thanks for all you do.

  5. Hi Joel!

    It was my great pleasure and honor to assist in any way possible as little as it was from my point of view. But knowing you, I just bet you used the title “Epilogue” for that last chapter of your book. Ha, ha, ha! Much to my literary chagrin and embarrassment, but God is faithful who can take our faults and use them to His glory in any case. If you want you may reach me on Twitter since I follow you and will give you the information you need there. It is very gracious of you and thank you kindly.


  6. Great trailer, Joel! I have a pile of books waiting to be read; what to do! I’m sure I’ll get around to this one.

    Blessings to you and yours this 2017, a year of convergence.

  7. Your scholarship is always impeccable, Joel. Really looking forward to this newest book! Also, wanted to thank you for your recommendation a few months ago of the book Future Israel. Exactly what I was looking for to navigate interactions with believers of the reformed theology/covenant theology mindset. It continues to amaze me that some forms of Christianity can disinherit the Jews from the Biblical land promises.

  8. Jeremy,

    Thrilled you are appreciating Future Israel and finding it useful. Truly a classic work. Love Horner.


  9. A much awaited and looked for book. Thank you Joel for your hard work and labor in providing us with what I’m sure is another great book on the Islamic endtime perspective.

  10. Very glad to see the research published on this subject, Joel! Seen various videos on you tube taking this position concerning Mystery Babylon but haven’t seen a published book. Looking forward in getting a copy of this. I noticed in the promotional video of the book that Tom Horn quotes his review of the book. Very interesting.

  11. Joel,

    When will the book be available in audio format? Thanks for your scholarly work!

  12. Joel Richardson,

    You’ve got it 100% correct on mystery Babylon and its location. I hope many will read your book. What are your thoughts on Baghdadi being a candidate for the son of perdition?

  13. Hi Adam,

    Baghdadi? I wouldn’t give him a chance. The Antichrist seems to emerge as a man pretending peace. And I expect his tea body to be found sometime this year. I could be wrong. God knows best.

  14. Well Joel, this one will take some munching! A slow one I think:-)

    Some of your readers may find this brilliant five minute video by Mr Dershowitz useful on the issue of Israel’s legality. It’s simple but concise.

  15. Count me in as one also waiting for this book to come out. Obviously, those who have read your books know your thoughts on Mecca, but it will be nice reading your full explanation as to why it is that city and not the other cities.

    I will be transparent here- not to long ago I believed it was NYC because it seemed to fit many of the verses in chapters 17 and 18 and of course, this city houses the United Nations. However, this interpretation had some holes too. But now, I’m all in with the Mideast Beast and Harlot coming out of Islam countries. Can’t wait Joel.

  16. Hey Joel,
    On the audio CD format of the book (audiobook), will it be you reading the book or some studio voice guy? I have bought many audiobooks over the years (always driving from Account to Account all day for work), but have found I prefer ones where the author reads his own book. I bought Piper’s peculiar glory & took it back right away when some monotone guy started reading what should have been heard IMHO in Piper’s own passion & pathos. ? But, that’s me, so thought I’d ask. Either way, I ordered a hard copy & your writing is always a blessing to the one wanting real research, rarely common known historical events & explanations.
    Thanks for being a Blessing to the Body of Christ,

  17. Do you have a mailing list, Joel? I just found out about this new book of yours through an email from Armageddon Books. So I was wondering why there hadn’t been an email from you, too. Perhaps I just missed it?

    In any event, the honey-lamb and I will look forward to reading this new book and to watching the two new DVDs, which we have also just ordered here. Thanks for your insights.

    I hope we can bring you out to teach at another prophecy conference again someday. So far we have only the two conferences “in the can” and don’t have either edited and ready for release just yet.

  18. Hi Mo,

    Good to hear from you. I do not have a mailing list just yet. This year. Hopefully soon.

    Bless you!

  19. Hello Joel, My wife and I love and appreciate all your books and all you do. Thank you so much. Ordered this new one yesterday. Do you recommend any other contemporary/like-minded writers? God bless you. ~Jerry

  20. Hey Joel;

    Off topic a bit. But is it not an echo… what is happening in the UN with the black list they are making for those who buy, sell, do business with the “occupied” territory. Sounds a little like wording associated with Revelation 12 and 13! Just an observation..

    and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six

  21. Hello Joel,

    God bless you, I can’t wait to get the book.
    Joel about 3 years ago, reading Daniel and Revelation and going back and forth,it
    hit me that is wasn’t the Vatican. I knew than that it was Islam. I come from a very loving church but they teach it’s Rome, but you can’t say anything cause they are so fixed in Rome that they won’t have an open mind. Anyway I knew there had to be others who believed it wasn’t Rome so I did my research online and that’s how I found you. I believe what you are saying and I’m listening. May God guide your steps and protect you. Keep doing a great work.

  22. Hi Jerry,

    I have tons of books I am happy to recommend. It depends on what topic you are wanting to read about.

    Bless you!

  23. Hi Joel, I didn’t meant to be vague. I’m interested in authors, or websites that speak to very similar topics as you do. Islamic Empire/Antichrist, the millennium, mystery Babylon. As much or more than that, I’m interested in teachers and authors that you believe in and have your kind of integrity. I have all your books and videos but find searching for alternate sources frustrating. Many websites and books have a strange “Marvel Comics” look and feel and are just hard to believe in. …Rome centered, or strange numerology. Or just strange.
    I just really appreciate your educated, diligent and level-headed approach and wanted to know who you recommend.
    Thank you again, ~Jerry

  24. Hi Jerry,

    There is an increasing number of books which hold t the Islamic end time theory. Mark Davidson has some books on Daniel that you may enjoy. He and I have some matters we agree on and some that we are slightly differ. As for the millennium, I highly recommend getting some older works by JC Ryle and Adolph Saphir and David Barron. Samuel Whitefileds’s new book One King, on Israel is excellent. King. Dalton’s older book The Time of Jacob’s Trouble is worth hunting down. Its presently out of print. Nelson Walter’s books are great. There are so many others.

  25. Hello Joel

    Speaking of the Islamic Empire, I just found a link that indicates that the image spoken of, in Daniel 2 and 7 should not have the empires of the European(He does mentions who should). Just like you and many of us here believe Biblical history is always centered around the Middle East. He also believes the fourth empire is Islam, Very good read, I wonder if I can paste the link here, but don’t know if it’s allow, so I won’t.
    Let me know if you are interested and I will send you the link.

  26. Gotcha. I would disagree with this author. I see no reason not to see Greece as the third. They do get the Islamic Empire correct though. I could be wrong and of course, God knows best. Blessings.

  27. Thank you Joel!

    Yes God knows best.

    Thought it was interesting, God will show us more when the day gets near.

    Joe when will your book come out on Kindle?

  28. Joel,

    Have you had a chance to read Ken Johnson’s, or anyone else for that matter, book on Gad the Seer? I do not agree with much of his commentary. The book itself is interesting only because of its symbolism and metaphors for prophecy if accurate and true. Would love to know what you think of it’s end time prophecy. And it’s mention of Edom who sits in a country north of the sea (Turkey?)

    On a side note, I expect your new book in 2 days. Looking forward to it.

  29. I have not read it. My understanding of this book of Gad however is that is there is almost no scholarly consensus that it could be legitimate. It is quite interesting none the less. The idea that it speaks of the pre-trib rapture of course is highly dubious. Most pre-trib teachers such as Dr. Thomas Ice will even admit that this is a doctrine that has been essentially “hidden” in the Bible and not overtly taught.

  30. My first introduction to the idea that Mecca is Mystery Babylon was Section VII of the 2010 edition of “God’s War on Terror” by Walid Shoebat. I later read the 2011 book “Islam: The Cloak of Antichrist” by Jack Smith, which views the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as Mystery Babylon, hardly even mentioning Mecca itself. Now I study the 2017 book “Mystery Babylon” by Joel Richardson. Since a Sunni-Shia war might alter the political control of Mecca prior to the rise of Antichrist, with prophesied evils of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia continuing, Mecca should be the core focus, and in “Mystery Babylon” it is.

  31. Joel,

    I’ve started reading the book and skimmed through the rest. I was hoping it would talk more about Edom, Tyre, Nineveh, etc. Revelation 17-18 alludes to passages in the prophets that originally were about these ancient places/nations. My question is how are Tyre, Edom, Nineveh, etc. related to Mystery Babylon? You and Walid Shoebat got me thinking along the lines that many prophecies against ancient nations are future prophecies against the nation located in that place (i.e. Moab = Jordan). How does this work with, say, Tyre in Ezekiel? Is it a type of Mecca/Saudi Arabia divorced from the location of modern Lebanon? In other words, it cannot be both a prophecy against modern-day Lebanon and against Mecca/Saudi Arabia at the same time. What is the nature of Edom, Tyre, Nineveh’s relationship to Mystery Babylon? I’ve been puzzling over this for some time.

  32. Hi Chris,

    I address that in the chapter on literal Babylon. In brief, Revelation 17-18 draws from passages that describe the judgment of Tyre, Nineveh etc. Their ancient judgment was a foreshadow of the last days Babylon.


  33. Bought on Kindle. Read it yesterday. Put a review on Amazon.

    Great work Joel! Thank you so much!

  34. Thanks so much Jim. I really appreciate it. And thanks to everyone else who has written reviews.

    Blessings to you!

  35. Hello Joel,
    Have just downloaded your new Book and am so looking forward to reading, I am so glad you have these Blogs as so much ground can be covered very quickly.
    I encourage you in your walk and presentations, you have come such a long way since I first started listening and watching you over 12 years ago.May you continue to be guided by Gods word and His Holy Spirit.
    Cant wait to see what is in your Book. I just did a short Blog on the Antichrist not that long ago and find it very interesting.
    Shalom Brother in Christ

  36. I’m near the end of the book. GREAT!!! Thank you for your work.

    I’ve been asking Nelson Waters about how to get the American church to awaken to a soon coming tribulation (I think within the next three to four years.) kicked off by the Islamic Antichrist. I would love to hear your thoughts.

    Look out for a very strong reaction to our new president coming from “Mystery Babylon”. Of course it will come in ways that will be hard to tie directly to them. But his Christian leanings and swamp draining is going to be viewed as destructive to all things Islamic.

    Very, very interesting times. Keep preaching the Word.

  37. Hello Joel!
    Happy Sabbath, I’m reading your book and I find it fascinating. I was wondering if you thought of the kings of Saudi Arabia? So far there has been 6 kings since 1932 the current one is king Salman the 7th, any connection on these Kings? Just wondering if these are the kings of the 7 heads in Rev.17, One more to come, just curious.

  38. Just received signed copy of Mystery Babylon.
    Thanks! Crazy cover ?
    Please Keep your voice out there
    God Bless you and your family & may we receive our Lords wisdom & strength for the truth

  39. Thanks for another great book. We really appreciate all your efforts to help bring to light those elements missing in mainstream Christianity. Hard to believe people are still clinging to Rome after reading the wealth of materials and research that you have helped to make available.

  40. Having read your previous works detailing the possibility of the Anti-Christ coming from Arabia (Turkey?), I found your latest release to so very helpful in connecting prophetic events not covered within the scope of the actual book itself. As a missionary and Bible teacher, I was recently trying to help those who follow my classes aware of the importance of the January 15th meetings in Paris and how those events could lead us to the Ezekiel 38 Gog & Magog war. After noting your remarks on Saudi Arabia and the Wahabi doctrine that they export, it seemed as though the pieces “fell” into place! Daniel chapter 8 , especially vs’s 17 & 19 are made crystal clear when you understand that Iran is the Ram, along with the nations they now control and Turkey is the goat! The destruction of Babylon now makes sense and how the Beast destroys the woman now makes perfect sense! Praying for God’s continued blessing on you and for the Holy Spirit to guard you and your family!

  41. Hi Joel,

    I’ve been looking for the Audible version or audio book version. Do you know when that will be available? I really enjoy the information you’ve provided in Islamic Anti Christ, Mideast Beast, and When a Jew Rules the World. I really look forward to when this next book audio version is available. It seems to always be unavailable on Amazon.

  42. Peace be with you; Good Lenten Journey, God bless you…in name of Jesus Christ, thanks praise glory to God, amen.

  43. Joel, I have the Islamic Antichrist…good reading. I wish I could afford this one as it’s a topic that I have long wondered about. I always thought it was Rome, but many now say it’s the United States, so it would be good to see where you lead us on this subject.
    I live however on a fixed income, however recently my car broke down and I had to get another one. The old one was 14 yrs. old, and thus paid for finally, but now unfortunately I have a car payment. I also just got a notice saying I have to vacate the place I live in b/c there is another person that is suppose to be moving here on April 1st, so I have to move. More expense and more stress as well. If you happen to be donating any copies to people that live on SS, please put me at the top of your list.
    Blessings to you for your work, and thank you, keep it up, we all need truthful information.
    Wandakate in N.C.

  44. Today the merchant ships of the world sell their wares to USA, host of the one world government, exporter of music and culture a nation which once had a candle lit for the LORD. Mystery Babylon USA.

  45. Ray,

    The USA for all of its faults is still the greatest exporter of the Gospel in the earth. Roughly 80% of the missionaries and missions spending comes from the USA. This is precisely the opposite of what the prophecy describes. The prophecy speaks of far more than mere commerce. It very specifically speaks of a false religion (harlotry) that is responsible for the shed blood of the saints. This simply does not describe the USA. Our job is to weigh the text, all that it says and allow it to speak for itself. Please watch my latest episode of The Underground in which I dispel the notion that the USA is Mystery Babylon.


  46. Hello, Just watched you on Praise with Perry Stone, then found this promo for your book. I am looking forward to getting the book. Thank you for your patience on the show. Two big talkers were trying to take over. but God helped you get your points said.

  47. Very interested why you think the US is not the Mystery Babylon, seems to fit the description better than any Middle East City (MECCA?)

  48. Shalom Joel!!!! I need these books so badly, but I must wait until May when my birthday gets here. I’m so anxious to learn all of your reasons for believing the Islamic world is Babylon. I was so sure I had it figured out..hahaha!!!

  49. Hi Michael,

    Please watch the video on the home page. It should be helpful.


  50. Joel, the harlots colors are scarlet and purple. The only city that fits the bill is the Vatican.

  51. Robert,

    With all due respect, this is one of the most silly, poorly reasoned arguments I’ve heard. Please reason with me. Everything about the description of the woman is symbolic/metaphorical. Notice that the city is represented by a woman. Is this literal or symbolic? The woman is drunk on blood. Literal or symbolic? The woman rides a beast. Literal or symbolic? On and on, down the list we go, and with every item, you will agree with me that it is symbolic, until we get the scarlet and red color. Then you have been preconditioned to suddenly shift to say that because the cardinals wears these colors, this one part of the vision must be literal. And this will become the one matter you focus on.

    The problem of course is that one, the color scarlet is symbolic of sin and harlotry, and two, the Vatican does not match the most glaring, the most emphasized, and most important aspects of the vision. What are the most important and emphasized aspects of the vision? She is a purveyor of the single most bloodthirsty false religion that mankind has ever produced. Did you know there are nearly twice as many Muslims than Catholics? When was the last time any Catholic beheaded a believer that you’re aware of? When was the last time a Christian was forced to flee Egypt, or Iraq, or Syria, or Bethlehem because of Catholic persecution? You are not hearing of this, because everyone, the hundreds of thousands who are fleeing are fleeing because of Muslim persecution. Although this bloodthirsty false religion is what is emphasized within the vision, this portion you overlook. Yes, some will point to the bloodshed of over five hundred year ago, even though the Catholic Church has actually publicly acknowledged and repented of these things, and despite the fact that this is not a historical prophecy, but a last days prophecy. Why look to the Vatican that is not beheading or killing Christians, when you have literally hundred of thousands of Christians being killed right in front of you? The top twenty worst persecuting nations (except North Korea) are all Muslim, not Catholic nations. And it has just begun. Why do you ignore that which is glaring and obvious, and focus instead on something as mundane as a symbolic color?

    The second most emphasized factor in the vision is the harlot’s financial corruption and influence. The Vatican today does not control the kings of the earth with her wealth. The Vatican today is spending what little money they have struggling to keep their grand cathedrals open and to pay their lawyers for their pedophile priest epidemic. Saudi Arabia is the single greatest finial source of corruption in Washington. No other entity compares. American corporation, politicians, media outlets, all owned by the Saudis, not by the Pope.

    I would greatly encourage you to get the book, open your Bible, pay attention to watch is happening in the earth, and prayerfully reconsider. The hour is late.


  52. Hi Joel,

    I found out about your book and followed the link from prophecy news watch. Sounds interesting. I’ve recently read “End Times and the Secret of the Mahdi. Unlocking the Mystery of Revelation and the Antichrist”, by Michael Youssef. He had some fascinating insight on the subject. I’ve also read many books that connect the mystery religions and secret societies (specifically freemasonry as the umbrella group and keepers of the secrets of mystery Babylon). Those who say they are Jews but are not but are of he synagogue of satan. Did you find any connection between Islam and freemasonry (the Shriners)?

    I noticed something in a book called “Duncan’s Ritual of Freemasonry” describing the Mark Master or Fourth degree initiation. The language is eerily similar to Revelation 13;16 “He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on (in) his right hand or on (in) his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.”

    “On the sixth hour of the sixth day of every week, the craft, being eighty thousand in number, formed in procession, and repaired to the office of the Senior Grand Wardens, to receive their wages; and in order to prevent the craft being imposed upon by unskillful workmen, each craftsman claiming wages was made to thrust his hand through a lattice window, and at the same time give his token, holding under the two last fingers of his hand a copy of his mark.” If found to be an imposter the craftmans arm would be cut off. “The sign of receiving wages is made by extending in front the “right” arm at full length, the thumb and first two fingers open, about one inch apart, the third and little fingers clenched, palm of the hand up.”

    The language is very similar here. To receive wages one must present his mark in his right hand. Just wondering. I fully intend to read the book. Thankyou.

    God Bless,


  53. I would like to order Mystery Babylon Bundle and When a Jew rule the World
    Can you give me a phone number to order it and give you may credit card number
    Thank you for your attention
    Normand Bégin

  54. Hi Normand,

    We do not presently have a phone number, but if you wait two weeks, we will have this in place.

  55. Hey JOEL, it’s Wandakate in N.C. Without a lot of chatter here I will just say “It went out into cyberspace, and I no longer have it?…HELP! I think you will understand, I hope so…

  56. I have heard Joel Richardson before and I respect that he is not afraid to say the unpopular truth.

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December 23, 2021
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