Joel Richardson

Muslim Prayer at the Washington national Cathedral: WWJD?


Go to WND to read my latest article on how we as Christians should respond to the recent Muslim prayer service at the Washington National Cathedral.

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9 Responses

  1. Joel, I am tempted to say that you have hit a home run with this article, but in reality it is more like a line drive that hit me between the eyes. Thank you for your wisdom.

  2. Amen brother Joel.

    We must ask ourselves are we the “worthless slaves” of Matt. 25 who are hiding the vast treasure (the Gospel)we’ve been given in a hole in the ground when it comes to Muslims? What will be our Master’s response upon his return? If our struggle is not against flesh and blood why are we struggling against it rather than the true enemy?

    Interesting that you mentioned “The Harbinger”, the judgment of America that may be coming and the churches’ culpability. If you read the Christian press, Muslims, the President and his party and homosexuals seem to rank as the top three “villians” in this country. I wonder what percentage of our efforts and giving go to reaching these groups with the Gospel? I bet is is less than 1/100 of 1%. We have been given such a great treasure if we’d only invest it.


  3. it’s time for any christian who has muslim friends to tell the truth without treating their friends as objects of evangelism. I do believe that God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit still works in bringing people to His Beloved Son, Jesus (Yeshua) the Messiah into a new Covenant between God who is Holy and sinners. Telling the truth means learning about differences in few issues.
    About 20 years ago, there had been dialogued between church leaders and mosque leaders and I heard pastors preached and attended seminar that only mentioned about Abraham, then the difference occurs between Isaac versus Ismael. Also God as one believe has Son, the other do not. Now, I see more truth about differences and can be brought to the surface between friends that affecting the life of people between peace and war without discriminating friends but treated as an issue, because God works when on people mind a good seed fall. All christians should pray not only for muslim but also for other christians not to be deceived, and other religious or non religious people

  4. Great article, Joel. Jesus called us the light of the world. Darkness if often defined as “the absence of light”. It’s time for the real church to let it’s light shine.

  5. I was reading Ezekiel 8-9 when this story broke. Interesting timing. Abominations in God’s temple leads to the glory of God leaving Israel. We as a nation are going down the same path Israel and Judah did in their time.

    It’s not just the leadership of the Episcopalians who have walked away from the faith, but many, if not most, denominations. We are going down the same path that led to God’s wrath upon Israel and Judah. I think we are in the same situation that Paul describes in Romans 1: 24-32. God will give us up to iniquity until it sickens every one of us.

    I think all of the readers of this site believe that Bible prophecy is going to be completed soon. As much as people talk about a national revival, I don’t see that as a realistic goal for Western culture anymore. We are increasingly becoming the church of Acts, small pockets of Christians in a pagan society. The greatest growth in Christianity these days is in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. I think we will remain in the grip of wicked people (govt., culture, and media) until Christ returns to set us free.

  6. well, we in the UK are totally doomed lest some real men of God(though it probably will be women of God) come out and lead the way.

    I nearly chocked when i just read this piece in the Guardian:

    Apparently the judge agrees with Anjem Choudary that it breaches his human rights to stop him preaching his drool, even while he awaits trial for suspected terror offences. Shame the judge doesn’t take into account the rights of the people choudry condemns to beheadings. May God truely have mercy on us.

  7. Joel, I would expect you to respond to that act of abomination. As I watched the woman point to the cross and defend the gospel by proclaiming Christ as Lord of all, I first thought, “where are the Christian men in this country?” I was proud of her courage. The surprise on the faces of the Muslim women who sat all around her where one of indignation and all the comments were of happy Muslims pleased that they got in the door of the grand Cathedral. How ironic that a Christian woman declaring Christ as Lord would be towed away by guards in a ‘Christian Cathedral’ and if she were to go to an American Mosque to proclaim her faith she would be towed away as well. In America the Christian faith is on trial.
    In my past, I had been allowed to preach the gospel of Christ in one of Episcopalian sister churches in England where hearts were open. In the span of a lifetime Christians are targeted the world over. Loving those around us with Christ’s love opens the door for us to tell them all about Christ while we still have time. We must be ready to suffer for Him.

  8. A very well written article, Joel. I’m with Greg on this one…it hit me between the eyes. The harvest is ready and labourers are few.

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