Joel Richardson

Ministry Prayer and Special Requests


Tested By Fire Conference

This next weekend, (April 3-5), we will be in California in the the Bay Area, at the 2nd annual Daniel Training Network conference. The theme of this year’s conference is “Tested By Fire.” It will be live streamed and can be watched here. The sessions will also eventually be made available online after the fact. If you are not able to attend, I highly encourage you to catch all the sessions online. This is truly a first class group of teachers whom I esteem and endorse in the highest sense.

Special Request

Second, one of the things that my wife and I seek to do each year is to set aside some time to make my ministry available to those who live in parts of the world where the need is far greater, but where the funds necessary to put on conferences and to host international ministries, is often quite limited. This year, I’ve been invited to participate in a large pastor’s conference in an unnamed part of the world where the need for training, teaching, equipping, and encouraging is truly great. This will be a pastor’s and leader’s conference with a few hundred attending from several nations. Without giving away any actual specifics, it is a part of the world that is presently being deeply impacted by a very deliberate program to Islamize the region, funded of course by the extremely deep pockets of the Saudis and other Gulf-Arab nations. As most know, I continue to work a full time job, have five children, and do not have a large ministry (its just my wife and I). Longer overseas trips mean that both I miss work and incur the extra costs associated with traveling etc. Because I feel the need is urgent, I have committed to going regardless, but I am putting this request out there and asking you all to consider helping me raise the necessary funds to make this all happen. This is yet a few months away, but plane tickets would need to be purchased somewhat soon. If you would like to discuss this personally, then contact me directly at [email protected]

There are three ways to give:

To send a one-time tax-deductable donation by check, make it out to “I2 Ministries” write nothing in the memo line and send to the following address:

Joel Richardson
PO Box 776
Grandview MO


To make a regular tax-deductable donation online, click here for the I2 Ministries donation form. Specify Joel Richardson in the comment box. You may also use this link to arrange automated regular support.


If you wish to make a non-tax deductible gift online, you may use the following Paypal button:

Thank you so much for your prayers and support!

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2 Responses

  1. Yeah we wish you the best there Joel! And we know God will provide all your needs in Christ Jesus. I encourage everyone who reads this blog all the time, to consider stepping up and giving what you can to help our brother in Christ. Paul says, “Our people must also learn to engage in good deeds to meet pressing (urgent) needs, so that they will not be unfruitful”. Titus 3:14 Let us all rally behind Joel, to help send him where God has called him to be. I know he has helped you all to understand the Scriptures too. We can all do this together! Peace in the Lord! 🙂

  2. Hi Joel,

    Thank you for making this conference available to the rest of us who cannot attend. I believe it is safe to say as members of the body of Christ we know who our foundation is, but from there it can be a little wobbly. The Apostle Paul knowing this tells us in Ephesians 4:11-16 why meetings like this are so important. I’m really looking forward to hearing what you and your fellow ministers have to teach us.

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