Joel Richardson

End Times Eyewitness Film Update


The final editing of my first documentary film End Times Eyewitness: Israel, Islam, and the Unfolding Signs of Messiah’s Return is finally complete. From this point, it will take roughly five weeks for replication and delivery. I’ll begin taking pre-orders within a few weeks. For now, I wanted to share a short two-minute teaser featuring footage we filmed at a political rally for the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan last summer. As many of you know, Recep Tayyip Erdogan is an emerging Islamist of the worst stripe who was just elected President only two weeks ago.

Erdogan Rally from Joel Richardson on Vimeo.

Movie Cover copy

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29 Responses

  1. Hey Joel ~

    “End Times Eyewitness: Israel, Islam, and the Unfolding Signs of Messiah’s Return” is an amazing piece of work! A labor of love, that’s for sure!

    God’s timing on this project is “right on time.” I am praying blessings over you, and over anyone who obtains a copy of this documentary. This is going to explain, and make so much more understandable, all the things that are happening right before our eyes right now, as End Time prophecies that were told to us in Books of Daniel, Joel, etc., unfold!

    Thanks for staying faithful to God and His plan for your life … even when the times became very rough … you hung in there, and by His grace, got ‘er done! Way to go, Joel!

    Looking forward to my copy that I plan to share with many during Bible studies.

    In His love,
    jean dean

    Daniel 7:7, “… a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, exceedingly strong. It had huge iron teeth; it was devouring, breaking in pieces, and trampling the residue with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it …”

  2. Oh Joel,

    I have been prepping my missions pastor and MENA chairman/Bible study teacher for over a year about your two films. THEY are interested in seeing my copies of both your documentaries for evaluation to show not only my home church, but to another sister church as a joint session. The icing on the cake would be if you could personally introduce your documentaries and explain why the need to make them. My vision would be if all the stars align both films to be shown, and you could be here for a weekend. This would be the first time that you would be on my side of the mighty Mississippi river and in my hometown. An on-going prayer request for me.

    Look forward to obtaining my first of two documentaries from you.


  3. Joel,

    One additional follow-up question, if I may. How long in viewing length are each of the two documentary films?



  4. Hi Joel,

    Looks like you may not get a visa to visit Turkey to shoot the sequel!!

    Nice sound track. What is it? It sounds like something from Transformers or Halo. 🙂


  5. This man(Erdogan) reminds me of hitler. I thought it was very fitting to flash back to scenes of him throughout the trailer. Looking forward to seeing it!

  6. Just thought I would put it out there for some advice. Reading Jeremiah and was wondering if there were any guidelines on distinguishing between the two exiles it speaks about. One was obviously the Babylonian one, but the future one gets mixed up. SO far I go by: any mention of the north country is future, and any mention of Babylon is past.
    Is that correct?

  7. I’ll look forward to sharing this with my friends, our UK Goverment needs to see it also! They’ve come up with a new way of dealing with jihadists…..ASBO’s, ‘anti-social behaviour order’….This will make the laugh, most criminals in England just ignore asbo’s with no consequence’s, and there was me thinking they would tackle them, not tickle them.

  8. I actually meant jihadists that work our streets, like Ajem choudry and co, the ones that live safe in England.
    Some one suggested on sky news paper review last night, that the ones who come back from Syria, should be made to attend anti extremist classes…
    that’ll work.

  9. Linda,

    the thing I’ve noticed with the English is we tend to downplay/under-react to situations. The americans seem to go the other way. A good example was when i was in the regs, on exercise with Jordan. We shared a base with some american marines. We did our thing in the desert, and had to guard some kit each night in the middle of nowhere instead of transporting it each day. So six of us at a time would sleep out under the stars, unarmed, with a single mobile phone to call the ops room every hour to (as we put it) let them know we’re still alive. Thus is the British way, downplaying a situation in an attempt to de-escalate.
    When the americans came, you could see the difference. They took over guarding the main base fromt he Jordanians, had roving patrols, body armour, live ammo, as well as adding each day more and more fortifications to the perimeter. Thus is the American way, show of force, (in the words of one guy, respond to ‘Ucka’ with ‘UckaUckaUckaUckaUcka…..Ucka’)

    Anyway, i think this kind of “keep calm and carry on” attitude, may have worked during the Blitz, but its not doing any favours now. No under-reactions. We need to start freaking out just a little bit more, go over the top a bit more.
    Whats to stop those guys beheading more Lee Rigbys? They put an IED outside the temp army camp during the olympics, and one on a bus in stratford. Never got mentioned. A squaddie got hospitalised during the games by three muslims, never got mentioned.
    Multiculturalism for such an apologetic, almost self loathing nation has been a catastrophe.

  10. One thing is definite, those who say that jihad is the way, we can expect them to play rough.

    We can’t say that we weren’t warned, and Joel, you have been communicating this.

  11. Hey Joel – don’t know where else to post this. Forgive me if you’ve already mentioned it and I missed it. Alan Kurschner has two installments of his bible prophecy program up on his website. The first is mostly introductory, but the second is an excellent overview of the prewrath position. Just FYI for the other readers here.

  12. Sadly Giles you’re right, thanks to the left, we have become a self loathing and apathetic nation. There will be more Lee Rigbys, while ordinary christians see whats going on, our leadership hardly says anything, Which is why i was so pleased to come across Joel’s website, while i knew the ac came from the middle east, i had never heard of the mahdi.

    I’m only sorry all our terrorists cant be tried in America.
    During the end of ramadan, i went to our city center(Bham), i stood with my eyes filled, it was packed with tables filled with free literature and korans, with loud speakers churning out the chapters.
    I only saw two christian men on the scene(some may have been there earlier).

    I did engage with two guys for a few hours, explaining the implications
    of Jesus being the Word of God and the Messiah, in both our books, at one point two other guys came over to ridicule the trinity, being on my
    own, it bought home to me the danger we are in if and when we do speak up, do not know what i would have done had they have pulled out a knife, i suppose it was safe because so many were there, truely we need to be filled with His Word and His Spirit. Its for all of us to ‘do what we can’. how ever little that may be.

  13. Wow! Can’t wait to get my copies.
    Joel what do you think Erdogan’s top priority will be when he becomes president on the 28th? Obama called ISSI a cancer, and said we need to form a coalition with some of our Muslim allies to remove it. He mentioned that they had killed more Muslims than Christians. What better way could Erdogan find to endure himself in the eyes of the world than to take care of the ISSI problem. Could this be fullfillment of Rev. 17:15-18 where the beast makes desolate the whore? After all Erdogan feels that he is the real Calif.

  14. Linda
    my default way of talking to people, after talking about Jesus for a while, is to leave it with them. i say, if you dont believe what i say about Him, ask him yourself. If its true, then He is more than able to answer you for Himself. No one has to know, do it when youre alone.
    i spent a number of days talking to one girl about Jesus. we had both been in a cult in Nigeria for a while, and she came out doubting Him and getting caught up in eastrrn new age stuff. in the end, thats what i told her to do. she phoned up one day all excited saying Jesus is real!
    to cut a long story short, a series of events unfolded for her, culminating one night when she had a sudden urge to stop watching tv and read the bible, opened randomly to revelation throne room of God and suddenly realised who she was compared with Jesus. nothing else convinced her otherwise.
    so, lots of prayer and that challenge to unwittingly pray to Him.

  15. Joel,,
    I really enjoyed reading your books. They are excellent and really made real sense to me. I already discussed it with my friends. I learned that your first documentary film will come soon. Since I am Deaf, is it possible for you to have closed caption or subtitle on this film? I want to understand better about what is happening in the Middle East and also what will happen, etc. Could you please do that? Thank you so much. Steven

  16. Hi Stephen,

    I am not sure about this, as it is up to the publisher. I am sure that I can send you the transcript worst case. Feel free to send a request for anything I have. I’m happy to pass it along.

    Bless you!

  17. This is out of topic but I keep running accross refutation of your Islamic Antichrist and The Harlot by the Cogwriter. It’s like a thorn in my islamic paradigm position. Is there any article calling them for it? I don’t see any. There are things i don’t have answer for. Pls help:

  18. Hi Berean,

    I will sell it from here. So it will have to be ordered. But yes it will be compatible with any players there.

  19. Hi Jie,

    I hope this does not sound pompous, but I simply do not have time to write a response every time someone disagrees with some point I believe somewhere on the internet. The fellow COGWriter is part of the Worldwide Church of God, which is a group with clear cultish background and doctrines. From the brief bit I have read, he is quite easy to refute. The first article you cited is now all but disproven. Europe continues its slide into disintegration and Islamization, while a Caliphate has been established. His easiest claim to refute and the Achilles heel of his whole view is the idea that the King of the North represents Europe. There is simply no biblical basis for this claim whatsoever. The King of the North is clearly the Antichrist. See my book Mideast Beast. As for Mystery Babylon, most of his arguments are directed at things said by Walid. Its simply too much for me to address right now. Though it would be very easy. I see nothing of any real substance. Sorry for being so brief.


  20. Thank you Mr. Richardson. It’s time for me to buy Mideast beast to deal with these objections. Your book scored highly in Amazon review than any theological book i check lately. I always getting it confused with ‘Islam’s awaited messiah’ so i failed to dig the scriptural proofs further. This is probably why I keep getting bludgeon with critique of your work. I consider this very important stuff and we must really know the times we live in rather than be wrongly inform. Thank you brother. Much love and blessing to you and family.

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