Joel Richardson

The Forge with Ron Matsen

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6 Responses

  1. God Bless you and your dear family Joel. I thank God for you, as through you, he has opened my eyes, to the sanctity and truth of his precious word.
    Born to devout Christian parents, I was. Second generation Christian, who knew my bible, but it had never excited me.
    Now I love God’s word, and God ha used you to bless me.

    I pray for you and your family, especially the health of your wife regularly.

    God bless in the work that he has called you to.

    Your sister in Jesus.

    Beryl White.

  2. Thank you Beryl. Your prayers and encouragement are everything. Blessings to you. Joel

  3. Hey Joel thought you ((and others) would appreciate this interview with Chris Gaubatz. He’s the undercover guy from the book Muslim Mafia (which I got after looking at the books suggested in the back of MB).
    just youtube search Louder with Crowder Chris Gaubatz or

  4. What a shock it will be for pre-tribbers when the antichrist signs the covenant and no rapture has happened yet. I personally think most of those in the great apostasy (2 Thess 2:2-3) will be pre-tribbers who will feel like they have been misled by pastors and teachers all their lives….

    it was great hearing your testimony, Joel. What a blessing! God is really at work in your life.

  5. Hi Aaron,

    People will fall away for an abundance of reasons, regardless of their doctrine. Of course doctrine is very important, but in times of crisis, oddly, folks often behave quite differently than we might assume based on their doctrines. This is why some who embraced replacement theology, and even many Muslims, actually risked their lives to save Jews during World War II. “Take heed when you think you stand lest you fall.” A worthy saying for sure.


  6. A very enjoyable and insightful interview.
    I’ve posted the video on my blog because it complements recent things I’ve posted about Christian attitudes to Muslims.
    Our priority should be the gospel of the Kingdom and not an agenda driven by worldly fears.

    While some see and fear a Muslim invasion, should followers of Jesus not see God bringing Muslims away from places where the gospel is rare, to places where the gospel is (supposedly) free to be shared.
    How do we use that freedom? To demonize? Or to Evangelise?

    (see Acts 17: “From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him “)

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