Joel Richardson

A Man Who Followed Jesus into the Most Dangerous Nation in the World? | The Underground #88


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3 Responses

  1. Hi Joel,
    What would anyone without a medical background do if they volunteered to go to Syria? I’m learning Arabic but nowhere near even kiddie-talk, and have a background in building, aircon and heating systems, and counter IED when I was in the army. But when I chatted to a missionary about this, he advised needing some sort of “theatre specific trade” that you can do officially, while being a missionary. I’m all for it, but I’m pretty sure i’d be much more of a hinderance than an asset.

  2. The program is not grown enough to support much beyond the current situation. It would be better to sign up for Antecessor FES Corps, which is doing all kinds of things, but perhaps not in Syria. See the blog post about this a few months back.

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