Upcoming Secret Pastor’s Conference


As I announced earlier this year, this fall, I will be a key-note speaker at a secret international pastors and leaders conference in a part of the world that is in great need of encouragement and equipping specifically to rise to meet the great challenge of Islam. I want to extend a very big thank you to those who helped make the trip possible. As the conference draws near, one of the great needs in this part of the world is scholarships for pastors who do not have enough money to travel to the event. Those may feel led to give can donate to “Christar” and designate it in the memo line for “From Everywhere to Everywhere” project account. The gifts are tax deductible.

1500 International Pkwy
Richardson, TX. 75081

You may also give online to the same project by clicking through at the following link.

Thanks for your consideration. Blessings! Joel

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4 Responses

  1. May our Gods rich grace bring his manifest presence to all who speak and hear His word, and grant strength and revelation to these his people.

  2. Joel,
    That is great God provided a way for you to go! I know you will be a blessing and encouragement to these men. Peace in the Lord! 🙂

  3. This is so incredibly awesome. Praise the Lord Jesus! I pray every blessing of our Father upon every Pastor who is able to go and upon you and your family, Joel. The Enemy will not be happy. 🙂

  4. Hi Joel,
    I was looking at Dr. Brown’s schedule,He will be in Kansas City at the same time you will be in Houston Tx. Bummer!

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December 23, 2021
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