Joel Richardson

The Underground Episode 81: Prophecy Update: The Coming Saudi—Iran War

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20 Responses

  1. Hi ya Joel, I can’t help but wonder if the new king of saudi won’t have some sort of “accident” too, due to some of the hardliner holdouts not wanting to go moderate. Just me thinking out loud kinda sorta just about almost. Iran certainly has a definite plan, that is way to clear at least it is for me. My new favorite verse..”But grow in grace and knowledge of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever! Amen.” 2 Peter 3:18

  2. Thanks for another excellent commentary on current events and the near future! Hope your wife’s healing is complete. Merry Christmas!

  3. Hi Joel, thanks for the lesson today! Fantastic!

    I understand that what I am about to say is speculative, but I wold like to get your thoughts. As you are well aware, Israel will celebrate its 70th Anniversary next May. Do you think there is any significance to this?

    I appreciate your work for the LORD and hope you and yours have a wonderful time celebrating our Lord’s birth this month!


  4. Blessed brother Joel, grace and peace.
    Dear, to date we do not have translations of your books into Portuguese.

  5. Where/when does the Dragon devouring the Harlot occur in relation to the Goat/Ram conflict? Iran’s proxies around Israel reminds me of Jesus’ warning ‘when armies surround…’ though I always took that to mean the little horn’s army. Would you consider doing a 2-hour special lecture on Isaiah/Ezekiel/Jeremiah + Daniel + NT and how they appear to parallel what we’re seeing today? There isn’t enough exposure and discussion about the OT+NT prophecies as two halves of a whole.

    With battle lines being drawn in the sand I can’t help but wonder if more of the vague passages about the little horn hearing about news from somewhere/his rage are more understandable with respect those said battle lines.

  6. Joel, can you please recommend a commentary on Isaiah that’s at a Layman’s level that still explores enough of the end times prophetic in Isaiah? I am using a Wesley commentary and I’m very disappointed because the end times prophetic references are jumping out at me and they’re not being addressed At All by the commentary and I want more insight than I have as I read it. Thank you

  7. Joel,

    Understanding the Middle East can be confusing when looking solely at the headlines. Always look forward to your perspective to help bring clarity to this region.


  8. Hello Joel,

    Thank you for sharing your insight & keeping us up to date on the recent events in the Mideast to help us make sense of it all. We also want to thank you for the reference to Mr. David Pawson. Like Chuck we have been looking for insight on the Book of Isaiah. We have searched many book stores but not found any suitable beginner commentaries. Most commentaries are at the doctorate level.

    Thank you again,

    BJ & Alisa

  9. Do you personally believe there will be a full blown ground war, or do you think the Iranian invasion, as described in the Bible, could be completely fulfilled through proxies? Also, how soon do you think a full-blown invasion could possibly happen? Any time?

  10. Janae,

    The text seems to indicate a full blown ground invasion, but it is not entirely clear. We must be careful in making assumptions. I cannot comment on timing.

  11. Joel, would you care to express an opinion on how the U.S. would respond to this war? Would they would aid the Saudis to a large extent?

  12. Hi Joel
    Thanks as always for a very thoughtful description of current events. Where can I download or obtain an organigram of the various sects/strains of Islam?

  13. Joel,
    Who are the kings of the east mentioned in Rev 16, and are they related to Gog? Or are they fighting them? Could it be Iran-China-Russia Alliance?

  14. Also, arming Saudi Arabia, aren’t you making the same argument that we made in arming Syrian groups to take out others which ended up doing a lot of harm.

  15. HNY, Joel! May God continue to bless your ministry. Just finished Mystery Babylon – so, this update came alive to me, thank you.

    Pres Erdogan’s NY eve message was a real eye-opener. His comments re: no negotiations, and warning of ‘risky’ and ‘bold’ foriegn policy in the coming year, align well with a rising, autocratic Turkey willing to respond unilaterally beyond its borders when provoked.

    Also read with interest the Turkey PM visited KSA, and expected a return visit from Crown Prince M bin Salman in coming weeks.

    Watching prayerfully,

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