Joel Richardson

Revolution in Iran, and a Secret Mission Opportunity | The Underground with Joel Richardson #84

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15 Responses

  1. Joel – way cool, way cool. Echo your prayer from Iran – believers for safety, peace, wisdom and opportunity- these have been my prayers for the past few days. Also, another incredible opportunity with this archeology trip. We’ll be in prayer. May God project, grant favor and invisibility and cause it to prosper for His Name. See you in a few months.

  2. Also we’ll be passing this info along to “amplify” the prayers for these things.

  3. I am praying for peace, safety, courage, and FULL SUPPORT for your trip. I wish I had $5,000 to drop in your lap, but I simply am not there yet. I will be praying for you brother! As a former faith-based missionary, I know what raising funds is like! God bless you!

  4. Hi Joel. Can’t wait to catch up on your latest articles. Wanted to give you a heads up about an article that I just saw on CNN. Sean Spicer basically calling out the errors in the new Trump book. Look at the title of the article and the content of the interview. Unbelievable!!!! That’s why I don’t trust the biased news agenda!! (What we didn’t hear is a denial) CNN

  5. I think I have put the 2 and 2 together and if so WOW! I am so excited because I have literally gone down every rabbit trail there is out there trying to study this facsinating ” archeological site’ ! There are so few good photograhs of it I am certainly looking forward to a whole documetary that is filmed in this decade! I am soooo excited for you ! What an adventure! What a cool thing God is getting you to do. I will pray for your safety and the safety of your camera!

  6. Donation placed! I am looking forward to hearing more! Thank you for all you do and God bless!

  7. Joel, My family has been giving to GCM for a little over a year now. We found them here on your website. I have looked through all the rest of the missionaries listed and I don’t see one for Israel. My son, he is 10, wants to give his saved money to …well Israel. When Trump made his announcement I gave my kids a Quick history lesson on the persecution Israel has endured and I will fast forward in my story. He left and came back with his coffee can full of change and said “I want to give this to Israel.” I told him I would see how we could do that. He keeps asking. Any missionaries or organizations you could recommend? He hasn’t changed his mind. And I don’t want to take where he wants his money to go because I can’t find something.
    Thanks for Ideas if you have any, Tamaira

  8. Hi Tamara,

    GCM is working largely in the Muslim world. FAI (Frontier Alliance International) is working in Israel, in partnership with the Israeli Defense Forces, to minister to Israel’s neighbors. This is to build good relationships with Israel’s neighbors. As FAI does this, they are building wonderful relationships with many of the IDF soldiers, many who had never met evangelical Christians previously. From my perspective, partnering with FAI is a wonderful way to bless Israel.


  9. Reza was a classmate at Brooks School in North Andover, Mass. back in 76-77-78. Funny thing is that just the other day I had suggested in a comment to Frank Gaffney something about Reza–how I believed that President Trump could capitalize on the old Shah’s people here in the states and in France. Small world. Joel, Would you please video-conference with Frank Gaffney of the He’s my Facebook friend. I spoke with him long ago when I called in on a radio show on which he was a guest. I’d love to watch a video of the two of you discussing current events as they relate to security policy and to biblical prophecy. Shalom, Chris Farrell, (a.k.a. Legionnaire de 1er Classe Foster, James, 1er R.E.C.–true, but that’s another story.)

  10. Thank you so much! I didn’t realize FAI was doing this in Israel. I thought they were doing relief missions only in Syria and Iraq. Good to know! Praying for your trip and that you will be invisible. God speed!

  11. Hi Joel, I would love to sign up for your newsletter but can’t figure out how. I go to and there is no link or anything about a newsletter. Can you direct me to the right place? Also, congrats on your opportunity. I’ll be praying for you on it.

  12. You have to visit the page on a lap-top. When you first come on the site on a lap-top, a sign-up window should pop up. If not, there is a window on the right to sign up for “up-dates.” Thanks!

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