Joel Richardson

Prophetic Perspective: Israeli Strikes on Iranian Positions in Syria | The Underground #92

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9 Responses

  1. Hi Joel, Have you ever thought of also releasing the underground as an audio podcast. I enjoy your insights but would rather have them downloaded as a podcast so that I can listen to them on the go rather than have to find a computer to sit at. Just an idea. Anyway keep up the good work that God has called you to.

  2. Whenever Dalton Thomas speaks, I always have to rewind his statements 1,000 times so I can write them down verbatim.

  3. I just sent this out to the Messianic network, Joel. Great interview and lead-in for the film(s). I didn’t know that Dalton was living within our borders, even if barely.


  4. Hi Joel,

    The ram in Daniel 8 has 2 horns. Assuming this is a future prophecy, I understand that one of the horns represents the Persians (Iran), but what does the other horn represent? Do you think that Iran will form an alliance with the Kurds, to make up the 2 horns? I.e. a revival of the old Medo-Persian empire? That would surely enrage Turkey if Iran allied with the Kurds.

    Interested in your thoughts.

  5. Daniel 8 tells us that Iran is going to strike out and start a war in the Middle East. How does pulling out of this “deal” fit into this scenario? Because Iran will obviously still have the necessary weapons to go to war, despite our pulling out.

  6. Just got back on Friday from co-leading a group to Israel. We were in Jerusalem when the strikes happened, but barely knew it! Sorry I didn’t run in to Dalton when I was up in the Golan, but these tour groups don’t leave much room for flexibility. I would like to somehow work an FAI moment in to one of my future tours. Keep up the great work!

  7. Hi Joel,
    you have kindly already given me some tips about Daniel 2. Maybe you remember. Meanwhile, I come on my sermon series to Daniel 5 and 6. Do you have some tips on how Daniel fits 5 into the story? Or what comment would you recommend for the book Daniel?

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