Joel Richardson

Iranian Invasion? (What is the Next Great War in Bible Prophecy?) The Underground #115

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6 Responses

  1. Love the landscape in the background.

    May the Holy Spirit continue to move throughout Iran, Kurdistan and Turkey in these days!

  2. If I was a betting man I would bet the next prophetic war will be Iraq subduing 3 kings from Arabia. The 3 gulf nations that are currently at Jared Kushner’s economic workshop for mideast peace as I speak (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain) are my bet. If people actually paid attention these 3 nations are the ones most on board with Trumps peace plan. They also are the ones most mentioned warming up to Israel in the news. Iran may well be in this war helping Iraq. Notice Isaiah 21 is about the burden of the desert of the sea or the burden upon Arabia. The watchmen in verse 8 sees a lion (Babylon/Iraq) there is also mention in verse 2 of Elam and Media (Iran). All the glory of Kedar (league of nations in Arabia in ancient times) fail within a year. “IF” this prophecy is future then I would say this is what it’s talking about. But it could be talking about the Medes and Persians overtaking the Babylonian empire in ancient times too idk. Either way I believe the AC is from Iraq and I believe he waxes great toward the south and subdues 3 kings after he rises. The only nations south of Iraq on the map are the gulf nations in Arabia.

  3. Daniel 8:20 describes “two horns are the kings of Media and Persia.”

    Do you believe two separate nations (one of which is Iran) must exist before the ram pushes North, West, & South?

    I personally feel that Kurdistan/Media must gain its sovereignty before the king of media can exist. Then a Iranian + Kurdistan alliance becomes the ram.

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  5. What advice would you have for people who have a passion to get involved in this kind of work, but who lack financial resources?

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