Joel Richardson

Introducing: The Wadi

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5 Responses

  1. I see you’ve got a younger looking Jay Smith in this video.

    I’m on the same team of Jay at Speaker’s Corner London -small world!

    The textual and historical criticism of Islam is a fascinating and accelerating field it’s also very damaging to Islam. (Mosques faced towards Petra in Jordan not Mecca for the first century of Islam), There’s no Uthmanic Qu’ranic manuscripts, none of the earliest manuscripts are complete and nor do they agree with each other textually nor do they agree with today’s Qu’ran, in addition the supposedly one true and unchanged Qu’ran [sic} has 29 and counting different versions (and by versions I’m referring to are Arabic and the differences are one’s in meaning rather than dialect).

  2. I found the WADI website a few weeks ago and started on the evangelism course by Jay Smith. I’ve been following his ministry for a few years now and I’m really excited this teaching is now available for free. Anyone reading this, make sure you sign up and check it out! It has great resources!

  3. Hi Joel & Christopher,
    I appreciate both your works brothers. I listen to both of your teachings – it’s great stuff! Thanks for all you are both doing to serve & inform the body of Christ.
    Can you guys see a prophetic connection between verse 7 of the Islamic ‘Al-Fatiha’ prayer and Revelation 12:13-17? The Al-Fatiha prayer, verse 7, refers to those who “incur the wrath of God’ and ‘those that have gone astray.’ Muslim’s understand this to be the Jews (those under wrath) and Christians (those who are led astray), I understand Al-Fatiha is the most prominent & common prayer for a Muslim to pray. Could it be that the enemy is conditioning muslims to abhor & persecute Jews and Christians – hard wiring it into their psyche and theology – which will culminate in the great tribulation? I can see the link to Revelation 12:13-17 so clearly…..”The Dragon pursued the women (Jews)…….. and the rest of her offspring (Christians)”. Do you guys see a connection here? I’d love to know your thoughts on the prophetic significance of this? (For me, its appears to be yet another indicator that lines up with the Islamic AC theory)

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