Joel Richardson

Perry Stone, Jonathan Cahn, and Joel Richardson: Friday March 3 on Praise

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29 Responses

  1. Joel, I haven’t watched praise the lord for about 10 years, can you tell me how long the interview will be ?

  2. Tonight 10:00pm Central time Perry Stone Jonathan Cahn & Joel Richardson on “Praise”.

  3. Will we be able to watch this broadcast on UTube as there was nothing on TBN SA broadcast?

  4. Not sure about Youtube, but TBN posts their archives on their site after the fact.

  5. Watched this last night and it is GREAT. Please air it one hundred more times . Thank You .

  6. Only discovered your website today and wonder, will the Mar. 3 discussion be posted on Vimeo or elsewhere? I’ll check on TBN as you suggested.

  7. Loved your comment at the end of the program Joel, about the church needing to having a boldness to come against the evil principalities and powers of this world. Very quick comment, but profound!

  8. Joel

    Is there going to be a re-broadcast ? I want to share this with my friends who did not see it. Thank you

  9. Watched “Praise” with Perry, Jonathan, and you. Please keep your voice out there! We need your voice! Thank You for the love you & yours have for the Lord. I have a problem with TBN, I cannot be the only one. Anyway we need more truth on some of these stations. I believe the Lord uses people whom are using false doctrines even for truth whether they even know it. some of us just know the Lord moves in many ways. Absolutely Amazing! Lord give us strength and wisdom . I do not even pretend to know much if anything, xcept the Lord is to be feared and praised and I should be on my knees praying always

  10. I saw the last 10 minutes of a rebroadcast of this today (Saturday, March 4) and cannot locate the full broadcast. Can someone help me?

  11. I watched the show and could have listened for hours if it had continued. I know these are truths in my spirit. I have experienced miracles and been given gifts by God, as we all have. We must live in Revival, pray often and with passion and know God’s Plan is at work. THANK YOU!!

  12. I need to watch this agai. So informative! I got a check in my spirit while watching and listening. Praying to be able to share with others. When will this air again?

  13. I just wanted to let you all know I was able to watch this on TBN’s Facebook page.

  14. This is a much needed program to be seen by as many people as possible. Just wondering why the re broadcast is soooooo difficult to find? Linda, THANK YOU for telling us it can be seen on TBN Facebook! Any options for those who dont have facebook?.

  15. Joel, I planned on watching the hockey game on Saturday night. During a commercial break, while channel surfing, I was delighted to have found you on “Praise” with Perry Stone and Jonathan Cahn.. I have read most of your previous books. The show was incredible! It held my interest so much that I didn’t even mind missing a big part of the game. Thank you for your ministry and teaching. I’d love to hear more about the futures of Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia. They seem to be on a collision course.

  16. Don’t know much about Perry Stone but he was gifted to ask the important questions. I always carefully watch and listen to the interaction between host and guest and I must say Joel, you present yourself with sincere humility no matter the subject at hand.. Keep on keeping on. You have my prayers.

  17. Thanks so much Bill. That means a lot to me coming from you. The appreciation is mutual. Bless you!

  18. This is one of the best interviews I have seen in a while. Our small group had a prophecy discussion on the USA’s future and both Joel and Jonathan’s views were debated. Joel, you bring much needed clarity to the many different views on the future Mystery Babylon. Love your new book!

  19. Joel,
    So many around the world have been significantly blessed by the work that the Lord has done through you and your ministry activities. and, the Perry Stone interview is another one of those significant evidences of how the Lord is reaching out in these last days, providing the Way for His Loving Message to reach out in places where it needs to go. God Bless You for letting His hand reach out, your are such a significant branch, bearing much fruit in His work.

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