Joel Richardson

Why Christians Should Care About the Controversy of Zion

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3 Responses

  1. Mr Richardson,

    GREAT message! I was struck in your comments by the image of how Christians have treated Jews compares with how the scribes and Pharisees treated Jesus. They believed Him to be cursed and rejected by God, but in reality God honors His Word (Jesus) above Himself.. The Jewish people will ALWAYS be God’s covenant people and be blessed forever because God manifested in the flesh through their line.

    The other thing I thought of with those who view replacement theology as valid, is if God rejected Jews because His will ‘changed’, what is to say His will won’t change again in relationship to modern day Christians? Thank God for His mercy and grace.

    Have an awesome day!

  2. Hi Joel
    I very much appriciate your preaching this sunday morning.
    I remember when I was about 8-9 years old (like you at the age of 6) made a promise to myself, to stand by the jews if they in the years to come, one more time had to face terrible tribulations.
    Joel, I´m also glad for your teaching about islam. I´ve read two of your books about islam / the islamic antichrist, translated into norwegian. I´m also thinking about participating at the conferense in Madrid in march.

    Shalom and be blessed
    Asbjorn, Norway

  3. A timely message that we all need to hear. I am thankful for courageous ministers, like you, who are willing to share the truth in these last days.

    I just recently read your books The Islamic Antichrist and Mystery Babylon. Wow! Both of your books opened my eyes to things I knew nothing about. It’s amazing what goes on in our world that we don’t understand until the Lord opens our eyes. After reading your books I realized how Amercian centric my theolgy was and now I am seriously praying about what I learned in your books.

    I consider myself to be a remnant believer and I know that Israel is the apple of God’s eye and He will save them along with the church when He returns.

    I will keep you and your family in my prayers.


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