2016 Election Thoughts: Thanksgiving and a Call to Prayer


I would like to say that I am truly grateful to the Lord that Hillary Clinton was defeated. This is a welcome end to an era. Hillary Clinton may have been the single most corrupt individual to have ever run for the American Presidency. The Clintons also have a long and sordid history of intimidating, harassing, and yes, seeking to destroy their political and personal enemies. I firmly believe Hillary’s defeat was a victory for the American people.

With regard to Trump having won, I must acknowledge that over the past year, I have gone through a broad range of opinions and feelings. Having initially supported another candidate during the primaries, I was deeply, deeply disappointed when the GOP gave the nomination to Trump. I remain deeply disappointed with those so-called Christian leaders who supported him, and defended him from early on. When the Good Morning America audio files were released, my initial disappointment was confirmed. I was truly beyond appalled. Despite my disgust however, once Mr. Trump was nominated, I was aware that this was indeed a binary choice. It was either going to be Clinton or Trump. One of those two were going to become our next president. Though I was certainly tempted, for me, not voting was not an option.

I cautiously moved from being overwhelmed by my disgust to recognizing that indeed there were some very legitimate reasons for a very tempered, yet slightly hopeful outlook. Perhaps the most significant transition for me came two weeks ago when I had the honor to meet then Governor Mike Pence and his wife Karen among a small group of pastors and faith leaders.


Vice President Pence shared his testimony of coming to faith in Jesus. This was very encouraging. He has openly and consistently described himself as a Christian first, then a conservative and a republican, in that order. He also answered some of our questions concerning Donald Trump’s faith. Governor Pence described a man who not only genuinely desires the prayers of the church, but perhaps even more importantly, who has expressed and shown a very real desire to become man of prayer himself. Hearing all of this did inspire a hopefulness and optimism that I did not have previously.

Trump’s victory was a truly historical event. There are some very real reasons, I believe, for ALL AMERICANS to be thankful to the Lord today. That said, this new administration doesn’t need a fawning partisan church. President Trump, Vice President Pence, and the United States do not need a church that functions as a lap-dog, but as a house of prayer, as a truly intercessory body, and a genuinely prophetic voice. We are not deaf to the many grievous comments that were made along the way. We are not unaware of the many flaws with this candidate. Even as this ticket was won through the support of the church, so also must the church now hold this administration accountable to its responsibility to lead this nation in a righteous, wise, and just manner. We are under no illusion that the next four years represent any sort of utopia. Remember, governments consist of mere fallen men and woman. We put no faith in governments. We look only to Jesus to help us. He alone is our hope. So now is the time for us as followers of Jesus to arise and fulfill our mandate before the Lord in this absolutely critical hour.

Looking only to Jesus,
Blessings to all,

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27 Responses

  1. Be aware that there are prophecies out there, separate from those saying trump would win the election, that say Obama will resist leaving office. Whether it comes from war, natural disaster etc is unclear. Nonetheless, blessings of the Lord Jesus be upon them.
    PS. . I prayed that you would have an open door to meet trump before the election. Not the vp!

  2. Thanks for your thoughts Joel. It is interesting to watch the media and music industry’s (overall) shock at the result. I actually really like Pence and hope God will see fit to use him in his position. I hope the Church steps up and answers it’s prophetic call!

  3. Amen Joel,

    Well done America, yes!

    (Don’t forget we need to be at the front of the que regarding trade deals) 🙂

  4. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that some amount of change has occurred in Trump’s heart over the course of this campaign and hopefully that will reflect in his presidency. Is he arrogant and a little egotistical about some things? Yeah, although not as much as one might think, but at least he never pretended to be anything else. The thing I appreciated about him was that he always told it how it was and didn’t try to play politics. I personally think that made the difference in the swing states. Regardless of how things go, I agree that Hilary being defeated is an act of God extending His mercy, but we the church can’t fall into the same lackluster state we were in before. The fact that 81% of evangelicals voted as opposed to whatever the abysmal number was in 2012 proves that when we are responsible and obedient to the will of God, our actions as believers can make a difference. We have to continue to be a church of action and not a church of passivity.

  5. I believe the quote from Dietrich Bonhoefer is the following, “Not to act, is to act…..not to speak, IS to speak….GOD will hold us accountable”

    We were given this Republic as a unique gift from God, and it came and has been maintained at a very high price. It has a purpose yet in front of it….We, the citizens of this Republic need to humbly, prayerfully, and earnestly seek that purpose, that God has for this nation.

    The things that providentially happened during this election makes it clear that God has that something for this nation to do. I would humbly submit to you that it has much to do with Israel and those surrounding muslim neighbors, in the near future.

    Thank you Lord that you have kept to us whole during this arduous process. Help us now to do your will.

  6. Indeed Joel, God is merciful to this country and his patience with our rebellious nation before Him by temporarily suspending his righteous judgment against us is something Christians should be awed over in praise to Him. I also did not support Trump in the primaries and even after he became the GOP nominee, I wrestled with God as to the direction I wanted my vote to be cast. It was not until the election’s shadow loomed in October that I realized the only way to somehow to prevent judgment coming even sooner was to stop Hillary from ascending to the presidency was by supporting Trump with my vote. I was not thrilled with that realization.

    I had selfish motivations such as repeal of Obamacare mainly, but I truly feared even more God’s holy judgment against our nation if the wicked Jezebel gained the reigns of power of this nation and how that would effect the Christian Church. Perhaps in my puny mind God saw it too? Without a doubt, persecution is the refiner’s fire to purify his bride and the time will come when that will be so as our beloved Mideast brothers and sisters do testify to us in the western church. But for now, as of this day, that time will be delayed.

    I do pray for reconciliation for our country after a brutal election process and for our outgoing and incoming political leaders and their transitions teams as the transfer of power is made smooth.


  7. Well put Joel.

    I am an Australian who was watching your presidential campaign closely over the last few months and am glad that Trump and Pence won. Nevertheless, Australia is a nation that is turning increasingly liberal and Atheistic and am afraid the churches aren’t doing enough to preserve and save our Christian heritage.

    Can the reader’s of Joel’s articles please continue to pray for my country too, Australia. If one were to read about the political climate in Australia over the past 8 years you would understand how tumultuous it has been. 3 of our leaders have been ousted and our media is as bias and wicked as yours. All Christians in parliament and on the news are mocked and belittled. As I pray for your nation, please pray for mine too, for damning distinctions between the secular left and at times violent right are starting to show, as it is throughout the globe.

  8. Joel, thank you for sharing your thoughts on the events of yesterday. I am so pleased that you were able to meet VP elect Mike Pence! He is a steady and focused man, self-controlled, and very articulate in defending what he believes. I can’t imagine a better VP pick and influence on Donald Trump, and I thank God that Trump recognized these qualities in him. For several years, I have thought that Pence might make a good President. I pray that Trump would draw on his Vice President’s wisdom and knowledge of governing, and that there would be a harmonious relationship there.

    As I commented at another site, I truly believe that the prayers of the righteous caused some activity in the heavens with regard to this election, but I also believe we will not get another chance to turn things around if there is not repentance of God’s people. “For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?” 1 Peter 4:17

    The other day I was reading Daniel’s prayer in Daniel 9. Although Daniel was a righteous man, he included himself in his prayer for repentance. I would encourage everyone to read that prayer.

    We need to be earnestly praying that Donald Trump appoints wise and faithful men to his cabinet, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, FBI Director, etc. I believe that his selection of Mike Pence as a running mate was a very, very wise decision, so we need to pray that Trump searches out good and trustworthy individuals to advise him, because he will need it. He will also be nominating a replacement for Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court as one of his first actions, and will probably have the chance to select others before his term is up.

    I am also praying that the FBI moves forward on its investigation into the Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. Pray that crimes would be fully exposed, and that those responsible are held to account. Hillary Clinton literally sold her office, and in the process sold out this country for money. She has betrayed the United States. The latest reporting I have read indicates that at least 10 (ten) foreign governments probably have received these emails. The U.S. Secretary of State is the number one target of foreign governments and their intelligence services. So frankly, I do not know how we will ever recover from this. I do not say this lightly. Having worked for the Federal Government for over 30 years, and having had the responsibility of protecting our nation’s secrets, I am shocked and grieved beyond words over this treachery. I am struggling to wrap my mind around it. Our nation has never, ever experienced anything like this in our entire history. We also must pray for the FBI agents and other LEOs (e.g., the NYPD) involved in this investigation.

    This is no time to be slack. We must be vigilant and sober. There is war in the heavens, and the Day of the LORD is approaching.

    We need to pray for one other and encourage one another in the Lord. We must examine our own lives. We also need to pray for our enemies, and for those who have been caught up in all the scandals, Hillary Clinton and her inner circle, Barack Obama, that they would repent and come to know Jesus Christ, who can reach into the darkest of hearts. They will one day also stand before the Creator and give an account of their lives.

  9. Bless the Lord for His Graciousness to America at this time.
    We rejoice with you for this wonderful blessing on your nation.
    May the Lord lead and guide His servants with much wisdom and discernment in the days ahead.

    As in Australia, we too, in South Africa need so much prayer for the days that are upon us now.

    We ask the Lord, as He did in the UK recently and now in the US, that He would grant many nations a time of respite and repentance for The days that lie ahead.
    Ephesians 6 comes to mind.

  10. I agree brother. And related to the development of our thinking & leaning towards “hope”, I think is a danger. Particularly those of us who study & understand we are in the last days, see the signs of the times, are of some prophetic ilk &/or gifting, etc. & that is this: confusing “apocalypticism” with “fatalism”. Is easy to do if you see where things are headed, discern coming judgement, etc. But, it can also get you out of balance for the “here & now”, “occupying till he comes”, “being hopeful & faith-filled”, etc. I have been chewing on this myself lately & asking the Lord to help me see where I may have been/be “out of balance” in my thinking in these things. I was led to go back & look at Jonah. The Lord Himself told Jonah to prophesy all that He told him to, including coming judgement in 40 days, but when they repented at that word, “the Lord relented” & did not do what He said He would. Was Jonah (or God for that matter knowing that the scriptures tell us it was God who told him) a “false prophet”? Of course not. But God gave reprieve at repentance & there’s hope in that God every generation, even us in these days so much closer to the “end of all things”. Now, Nineveh was eventually judged when they returned to their sinful ways (150 years I think?), but 150 years (or even 40, or 10) is a long time. A lot can get done in that time period for the kingdom. Anyways, just things I have been chewing on. Praise God that when we let Him, He can grow us, refine our thinking, & help us to see things more from His vantage point than ours, amen? Anyways, thanks as always for sharing brother. A kindred spirit indeed! ????????

  11. We must gird ourselves to ‘bear the Testimony of Jesus’. We are not getting out of here before ‘the big Game’ starts and neither should we expect to.

  12. What we are seeing is a repeating of events that occurred before WW1 and WW2 when America withdrew from the world stage for a time, before becoming immersed in it once again. Does this mean that there will be a WW3 in the near future? Not sure if we can answer that question yet.

    However, what we are seeing at this present time is the spiritual influence of Satan, the false prophet and the fallen wicked demonic heavenly hosts who are described as being four kings in Daniel. Satan and his cronies have summoned their “flash mob” in America to protest against the unexpected outcome of the Recent vote for the next President of the USA. Just like the “flash mobs” that appeared after the UK vote to withdraw from the EU.

    Over the 40 years or so from the time that the three demonic evil spirits left the eastern side of the River we will see an increase in the influence of Satan, the false prophet and the fallen wicked demonic fallen heavenly host on the earth after their world show of signs and wonders which will draw the kings of the earth into coming together as a show of force at Armageddon when the final attempted act of trampling the Sanctuary will occur. At this time Israel will see a king afar off and will seek His terms of peace and restoration for the redemption of all of Israel.

    I am not sure that the “King of the North” that will have sway with/over the other kings of the earth is even easily visible just yet but I do know Biblical Prophecy is unfolding just as it is recorded in scripture. All that we have to do to understand the end times is to be able to see the times and the gaps in time between of the events as they are to unfold.

    As a person who had no invested interest in the outcome of the present four yearly presidential election cycle I can only look on and observe the outworking of the decision of the people of the USA. Yes this decision of the people in the USA may have an indirect impact on my life and the life of my children, my grand children and my great grand children but if we would choose to repent of our choice to die the second death through our sin, either personal or collectively, then we have nothing to fear from what is still to come.


    Jay Ross

  13. Not to get too far off topic, but I have been searching past videos and articles looking for Joel’s position on how to know (or if we can know) when the seven year tribulation has begun. Is anyone aware of where he stands on this? Obviously scripture is the first place to study, but have to admit, am a bit unsure. The reason I’m asking is that someone I believe has the gift of prophecy feels the seven year period began the night of Nov. 8th. Just wondering if that could be true. Thanks!

  14. I think the scriptures talk of
    • At Beginning
    Formation of 10 ‘king’ kingdom (anti-Christ comes later) (revived Islamic Caliphate?)
    first 3½ years
    7 year ‘peace treaty’ (includes Israel & 3rd temple?)(they are ready to build)
    services to start to operate on Temple mount (construction may not be complete)
    ‘Birth pangs’ not tribulation►►►false ‘christs’, wars, rumours of wars, earthquakes, disease & death

  15. Joel,
    Thank you for sharing these words. I too am feeling more hopeful after I heard his victory speech. I hope he will act more presidential and less arrogant. He obviously has a lot of work ahead of him to win the trust of half the country who lacks this. I will be in prayer for all my leaders as the scriptures exhort us to be.

  16. Trump was my guy all along, and so I am extremely happy obviously that he won. I do believe God heard the cries of His people and answered our prayers. But we do need to continue to pray that God will provide wisdom and strength to Donald Trump and that President Trump will lead this country back to our Founding principles. He is a fallible man, and needs God’s help, as we all do.

  17. Trump’s victory was bittersweet. I am glad however that Clinton lost. Thankfully they cant both be president. I personally wished more Christians paid closer attention to the campaigns for what they were. I voted for Castle this year. I really felt like this was the year the church needed to rally behind a 3rd party. The church really was fractured in voting. Less than half voted trump. A third voted clinton and large allbeit unknown group didnt vote. What will it take for the church to rally behind a good candidate? Maybe a repeall of the johnson amendment…
    The election really felt like populism fear mongering oligarchy rigging at work. But of the two, I do believe the better candidate won only because trump appears more open to positive influence than Clinton.
    So lets pray for trump. Pray for him to understand abortion is a 5th amendment issue…not 10th amendment. .not judicial. Pray he will not make the hyde amendment permanent law. Pray he will enforce the right to life…that he will make it his priority. Pray he would become 100% prolife. Pray he wouldnt settle on simply federally defunding planned parenthood. Pray he would pass laws to protect the weak and vulnerable. Pray he would pass laws that are pro family pro adoption and pro children.

  18. Thank you Joel, for addressing this election. As you said – it IS absolutely a time for thankfulness to the Lord. He has been gracious and granted us a second chance to bring America back to its foundation built on biblical principles! Praying for the body of Messiah to unite together as we begin this exciting new season.
    And yes! Love Pence, so thankful Trump picked him as VP! Time to clean out the political corruption!

  19. Hi Joel.
    I had my doubts and misgivings about Donald Trump before the election, but still preferred him to Hillary. Since the election I must confess to a feeling of great relief and even joy. He was the wrecking ball to break down the all the politically correct barriers. We can only hope that he listens to the Christians who are around him, and to whom he seems to gravitate. Maybe we are being given a reprieve by God. The church needs to take the opportunity of greater freedom and go out with the gospel, or the consequences may rebound dramatically. Blessings. Mark

  20. Very well thought out and insightful, Joel! Perhaps the best post-election article I’ve read, thank you so much for sharing this!

    Blessings to you,

    Sara Lillis

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