Joel Richardson

The Underground Episode 39: Miraculous Testimonies from an Underground Pastor in the Middle East

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13 Responses

  1. great interview. It is so humbling to listen and realize here in America, most of us believers have no clue about being obedient to Christ and understanding what it means to pick up that cross, myself included.
    God Bless you Joel as well GCM ministries. I encourage everyone to contribute something.

  2. Joel,
    Thanks for “sharing” Ali with us. I am totally using this interview in my college class if that is OK with you, together with the Global Jesus Revolution DVD. Time to get the next generation working on the foundations of the Revolution!

  3. Good stuff Joel! Thanks for sharing it.

    GCMI is a ministry I can get behind in prayer & support. Thanks for introducing them to the world in Sheep Among Wolves & here on the Underground.

  4. Hi Joel!

    Thanks so much for this episode of The Underground! Its great to hear Ali, and him talking about the REAL Gospel, that is worlds apart from the “Prosperity” rubbish that we get in the West!
    Thank you so much for: THE GLOBAL JESUS REVOLUTION. I hope to share this precious dvd with as many people as I can in the Uk. It is “for this hour” and desperately needed. I have the honour to visit Israel for the first time this July, I’m going with a young people’s ministry (I’m 36, I think I just about qualify in being young!) and one of the fellowships we are going to visit is Mount Carmel in Haifa, which David and Karen David head up! So looking forward to this! Thank you so much for pointing out with Avner Boskey in the film, that its not that God favours the Jews over the Arab peoples, rather that the Gospel priority is for the “Jew 1st” and the issue regarding Israel, is chiefly to do with the “covenants” that God made with her and her ultimate National Salvation!
    Just want to take this opportunity to thank you for getting me to hear about such precious brothers such as: Dalton Thomas (a great young teacher!), Stephen Holmes (great Underground with him! Wish him all the best in Nepal!), John Harrigan (consider his book to be a classic within Christian literature and thoroughly applicational!) and Bryan Purtle. Have come across quite a few messages of Bryan on “sound-cloud” and really been impacted by them. The church needs more Godly preachers like Bryan; awesome stuff! He has prompted me to read David Baron amongst others, and you Joel, have prompted me to read Bonhoeffer and Corrie Ten-Boom!
    Just to finish, I’ve heard in our news (United Kingdom) that the Labour Party are in turmoil at the moment, regards to antisemitism. We have had a Labour MP Naz Shah resign, about stupid comments she made about Israel re-locating to the USA, to “solve the problem” and now, Ken Livingstone, former mayor of London, has been accused by fellow Labour MP John Mann of being a “Nazi apologist” because Livingstone has tried to play down comments that Shah is an antisemite!
    It makes me think of the scripture in Zechariah chapter 12v3: “On that Day I will make Jerusalem/Zion a heavy stone for all peoples, all who lift it will surely hurt themselves…”
    Although I realise the eschatological context of the scripture, as in, the Day of the Lord, I couldn’t help but think that even now when peoples (ie political parties) talk about Israel, it literally “rocks” their party, such a “stone” it is for them!

    Anyway, the Lord bless you richly Joel in your ministry and in how the Lord is going to use: THE GLOBAL JESUS REVOLUTION, which I’m sure He will, powerfully!
    Maybe see you at a: “One King” conference one day, until then, Lord bless you bro!

    Paul- United Kingdom, England

  5. Very humbling interview Joel.

    Ali gave excellent prayer advice, just get down and struggle, amen to that! some one said you learn to swim by actually getting in the water, so with prayer. I’ve found that corporate prayer times can be killed off by to much structure, we just want to pray.

    The Lord truly bless Ali and his team with His presence and protection.

  6. Great interview, I will be praying for for the ppl of The Middle East and sharing this

  7. Joel I so appreciate your Christ centered approach to everything. I am glad you gave the GCM website out. I went home after listening to this in the car and googled GCM ministries and came up at the top which is a different Ministry also called GCM. When the web site didn’t look right I went back and found the right GCM. Thanks again.

  8. What an encouragement! The analogy of the crying baby really opened my eyes. God is so beautiful and wonderful! My uncle is a preacher in Washington state and he went by himself into a reservation to witness to some Indians. He came upon a group and there were so many in dire need of help that he was a little overwhelmed. He went back to his church and asked if there was anybody who would go back to the reservation with him to help these people and witness, and not one person volunteered. It’s so sad. I know that Christians in the middle east would jump on it. I feel your pain on the sleepiness here in the west and the gospel of prosperity. Sometimes I feel that only major persecution would wake up the Christians here and we’d forget our differences and stand boldly for what we believe in. I’m so glad to hear that Christians there are not afraid but courageous. Oh how I’d love to be surrounded by such people. I look forward to all your posts every week. I used to be a big shoebat follower until I saw him slam you on Twitter. You handled it so well. It opened my eyes on his character. But you also helped me to love the Muslims, not hate or fear them. They are the only other people who fervently whole heartedly seek one God, just not the right one. Now I pray for God to hold off on coming back until as much of them as possible are saved. Thanks for all that you do.

  9. Awesome interview Joel!

    Seeing this makes me feel I’m right in the thick of things over there, and back to the basics with Muslims starting from scratch learning about Jesus and the true God.

    It makes me sad for the westernized church because we have strayed so far from the real Gospel of the Kingdom. But I do see evidence that God is beginning to open the eyes of people here as well as they return back to the roots of their faith.

    Great stuff as always. Keep them coming.

  10. Joel,

    Thank you for another amazing & compelling episode! It brought to mind Chapter 18 of Mideast Beast “Loving Muslims.” The entire book is INCREDIBLE, this chapter, though, is the most BEAUTIFUL. I wept when I read it & still do every time I reread it, thus this Episode, too, had such a profound effect on me & so many others, I am sure! As I learned from you, God named Ishmael before birth, the meaning of which is “God hears”…and PRAISE GOD, He hears them, indeed! May God continue to bless you & your family & “Ali’s” ministry as well, all are in my prayers. Looking forward to the next Episode, until then, take care!

    Sara Lillis

  11. I totally agree with Sara’s sentiments. I just recently finished Mideast Beast too (before that I had read When A Jew Rules the World & before that The Islamic Antichrist). Very good stuff in all 3. Chewing through John Harrigans book on the Gospel of Jesus Christ Crucified now.

    And yes, may God RICHLY bless GCM! Definitely a ministry worthy of supporting in prayer & finances.

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