Joel Richardson

New apocalyptic ISIS video proclaims victory at “final battle”


WND: The Islamic State has released two chilling new videos, one depicting its apocalyptic vision of the end of the world and the other issuing a series of threats against Western cities.

The apocalyptic video has been titled, “Meeting at Dabiq,” which refers to a city in Syria where Sunni Islam believes a final battle will take place between the “Crusaders” of the West and the “Believers” of Islam.

The video also shows an ISIS “armored unit” advancing toward the Colosseum in reference to the “armies of Rome,” the Mirror reported.

In one scene, a dead fighter is shown being kissed by his comrades. In another, a jihadist on horseback is portrayed as a conquering soldier riding through the desert. The jihadists are shown riding atop tanks and armored personnel carriers, which appear to be American heavy equipment that was commandeered by the terrorist army.

The film shows a map with the ISIS flag over Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Syria and Iraq, then shows a graphic portraying the flags of 60 countries it has decided ISIS is at war with and will eventually conquer.

Among the 60 flags shown is that of the United States of America.

The latest video comes on the heels of one released last week in which two ISIS fighters sat on a beach and threatened terror attacks against Paris, New York, Washington and Moscow.

One of the fighters, speaking in broken English, says the “revenge has started” and the “blood will flow.”

“France was the beginning,” he says. “Tomorrow will be Washington. It will be New York and it will be Moscow.”

Eleven years ago, Joel Richardson wrote “The Islamic Antichrist,” a book that details Islam’s apocalyptic vision as it relates to biblical prophecy.

At that time, Richardson said he addressed topics such as the Islamic dream of re-establishing a Caliphate and their prophecies of an army marching behind the Islamic black flags of conquest.

This scenario is no longer in the realm of speculation or postulating about biblical “prophecy.”

“Today, these things are real,” Richardson told WND.

He said he ascribes zero value to the prophecies of Islam. But Western leaders will be unprepared to meet the threat of groups like ISIS if they don’t understand their theology and their eschatology.

“They are most certainly not inspired prophecies – at least not inspired by God,” Richardson said. “Satan, however, is a counterfeiter at heart, and he does know what the prophecies of the Bible say. Thus, even as the Bible promises that the day will come when Jesus the Messiah will return to restore the throne of David and the kingdom of Israel, Satan has been busy doing everything in his power to resist these promises from coming to fruition.”

For those with spiritual discernment, is it possible to hear Satan’s whisper within the alleged prophecies of Muhammad? Richardson thinks so.

He said some of the Islamic prophecies appear to have been borrowed and tweaked from Jewish, Gnostic and Christian extra-biblical traditions.

“But they have clearly been manipulated by the evil one to mislead an army of willing vessels,” he said.

This is exactly where the world finds itself today.

“While I do not believe the ISIS Caliphate will last, for now, Satan is showing his hand,” Richardson said. “He is using the satanically manipulated prophecies of Islam to recruit literally tens of thousands of Muslims from throughout the world to join his forces.”

ISIS’ new video demonstrates just how obsessed the terror group is with the end-time prophecies of Islam.

The latest video leaves the impression that it is peeled directly from the pages of Richardson’s book.

“ISIS soldiers are seen carrying the back flags that I wrote about over a decade ago. My purpose is not to play the role of prophet, for a prophet I am not,” he said. “But anyone who has been really paying attention to the words of the biblical prophets alongside what is happening in the Islamic world could have seen all this coming.”

So, is Richardson optimistic about the outcome?

“As much as I would like to be an optimist, it is only going to get worse,” he said. “The bloodshed and difficulties have only just begun. The Bible makes this clear.”

“But it also says that just before Jesus returns, most, if not all of the church would be asleep,” he added.

“Remember Jesus’ parable of the foolish and wise virgins. It also is being fulfilled in this hour.”

Richardson points to recent polls by Pew Research showing that a mere 5 percent of Christians believe Jesus will return in their lifetime. Similar polls have shown that Muslims believe we are in the last days an average of five times higher than Christians. In some countries, it is as high as 80 percent.

“No wonder our churches are dwindling and the numbers of young people giving up everything to join ISIS is skyrocketing,” he said. “As the modern church focuses on how to make our message more appealing to an increasingly godless culture, as we water down the message to make it easier to embrace, we are losing our youth.”

Meanwhile, ISIS calls the youth to come lay down their lives, risk everything and die.

In a world with a vacuum of spiritual devotion and weak Christian leaders, the message of Islam is resonating. Pew Research recently issued a new study showing it is the world’s fastest growing religion.

“ISIS’ numbers are expanding so quickly, that the governments of the world are searching for ways to stop the message,” Richardson said. “I would argue that it is time for the modern church to stop playing games and start preparing the sheep for what is coming. Before Jesus returns, the Bible says that the Great Commission would be fulfilled (Matthew 24:14-15). This includes throughout the Islamic world. I believe it is not then a coincidence that the Bible also says that before He returns, an uncountable number of Christians would die as martyrs for the sake of the Gospel (Revelation 6:11).”

In the hope of waking some Christians up, Richardson has just released a new film in partnership with Frontier Alliance International about the persecuted church in the Middle East. It’s called “Sheep Among Wolves.”

“If you want to wake up, watch this film,” he said. “Watch it with your Bible study group. Watch it in your churches. Now is the moment for the Western church to rise up and meet the challenge of these last days. The Islamic world is wide awake. It’s time for us to wake up and fulfill all that the Lord has for us.”

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9 Responses

  1. Excellent, Joel.

    FTA: “They are most certainly not inspired prophecies – at least not inspired by God,” Richardson said. “Satan, however, is a counterfeiter at heart, and he does know what the prophecies of the Bible say. Thus, even as the Bible promises that the day will come when Jesus the Messiah will return to restore the throne of David and the kingdom of Israel, Satan has been busy doing everything in his power to resist these promises from coming to fruition.”

    Satan is a deceiver; he is the father of lies. Interestingly, in the Qu’ran, Allah is described as “the best of deceivers”:

    Qur’an 3:54—And they (the unbelievers) planned to deceive, and Allah planned to deceive (the unbelievers), and Allah is the best of deceivers.

    Qur’an 7:99—Are they then safe from Allah’s deception? No one feels safe from Allah’s deception except those that shall perish.

    Qur’an 8:30—And (remember) when the unbelievers plotted deception against you (O Muhammad), to imprison you, or kill you, or expel you. They plotted deception, but Allah also plotted deception; and Allah is the best of deceivers.

    But here is something else that is interesting, fascinating, really:

    “In Sahih Bukhari, the most trusted and reliable Hadith collection within Islam, we learn something about Allah. Here is what Muhammad says about Allah and the name “king of kings”.

    “Allah’s Apostle said, “The most awful name in Allah’s sight on the Day of Resurrection, will be (that of) a man calling himself Malik Al-Amlak (the king of kings).” [i]

    “Within Islam, the most odious and fearful name from Allah’s point of view is the one calling himself the King of kings. It’s also written within the Islamic literature that Allah’s wrath will be targeted at the one calling himself the King of kings. From another well respected Hadith collection, Sahih Muslim,

    “Abu Huraira reported from Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) so many ahadith and one of them was this that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: The most wretched person in the sight of Allah on the Day of Resurrection and the worst person and target of His wrath would of the person who is called Malik al-Amlak (the King of Kings) for there is no king but Allah. [ii]

    “So exactly who is it that despises the one calling himself “King of kings?” Is it Allah or Satan?”

  2. The churches asleep being one thing, it is rather different in the churches i’me involved in, they rather than being asleep they have there heads stuck in the sand,and there fingers in there ears shouting la la la la la. I have had christian literally turning there back on me for attempting to talk about Islam and the challenges of sharing the gospel with Muslims. I am at a loss of what to do really. Maybe it is Gods mercy on the church that he allows Islam to come and wake them up with persecution. My family has lived and worked for years in poor Muslim villages We have delivered bibles covertly into Islamic lands and also Family members are seeking to work in the middle east. please take the time to pray for us as my wife and family and I are seeking to work in some kind of mission again particularly working with Muslims. We know and fully understand that our lives will be at risk but should that happen perhaps it will wake up the sleeping churches?

  3. Amen, Joel.

    Daud, Our prayers are with you brother. All of us have a role to play in the final “battle.” ISIS has a vision, we have a vision as well (Revelation). Praise God for your faithfulness.

  4. God bless you, Daud. Remember what God told Isaiah about closing people’s ears. His ways are not ours- but He is in charge, despite appearances. Persevere.

  5. These may not be God inspired prophecies, but they might well be, and probably are demonic inspired ones, which means that the forces of darkness are working to bring them about, or to use them to wreak havoc on the world. I have been impressed with the extraordinary way young people are being groomed on line and launching into this madness and it certainly looks demonically assisted, almost as if there is a spell over them.

    Thats how fortune tellers work – they say something inspired by a demon and then the demonic realm brings it about as much as it can.

    In Nigeria, the group Boko Haram do use black magic rituals to cast spells over its adherents, such as drinking magic potions and eating parchments which contain spells. Many of these guys are demonized to the eye balls. It could be that Isis do something similar, but for sure the way they recruit is unnatural.

    Thank God we have a kingdom and a King that cannot be beaten and who will triumph over the lot.

  6. Excellent Joel & God protect & bless you & family.
    It’s very unfortunate that most churches also been deceived and cannot differentiate between Muslims as people and Islam as teaching material tool.

    I found a similar fashion between Turkey Ottoman Hearths and youth tugs used by Hitler, Mao & other before WW2 against any opposition in their own countries (Evil Evolution documentary). Sound like isis is wild dogs of the master who would be revealed when time approaching. I still believe, when devoted Jesus Disciples pray (even a small number of various families, just like in the case of Sodom & Gomorrah) God is able to speed up the process (Matthew 24:22) & fulfill HIS Will, although the first will be last and the later will be first (Matthew 20:16) in the case of Christians & Muslims.

  7. Philippians 1:20-23
    20)according to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death. 21)For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 22)But if I live on in the flesh, this will mean fruit from my labor; yet what I shall choose I cannot tell. 23) For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better.

    Philippians 1:27-29
    27)….that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel,28)and not in in any way terrified by your adversaries, which is to them a proof of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that from God. 29)For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake,

    Philippians 2:5-11
    5)Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,6)who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God,7)but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8)And being found in the appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. 9)Therefore God also highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is ABOVE EVERY NAME. 10) That at the NAME OF JESUS EVERY KNEE should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on the earth, and of those under the earth,11)and that EVERY TONGUE SHALL CONFESS that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, TO THE GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER.

  8. What does an awake church look like? Isn’t everyone awake to the threat from Daesh as I prefer to call them?

  9. Thank you Joel, for all you do in the name of our Lord and Savior. I am very thankful and blessed to be in a church and have a pastor who is committed, not only to the great commission, but to preaching the word of God, without diluting it’s contents. Michael James Riddering is well known by our congregation, as we support another family doing mission work in Burkino Faso. Many tears were cried this past Sunday, as the news was shared during our worship service. However, you can’t help but feel a sense of strength rise from this tragedy. May the Lord use each of us, for his purpose, and glory, no matter where our mission field resides.
    Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ, and may he strengthen, and protect you, and your family.

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