Joel Richardson

Revolution Film Project Update


Work continues full speed on the Revolution Film Project. For the past several months, I’ve been waking up at about 4:00 AM and working for a few hours on the film. This involves going through interviews, choosing clips, transcribing clips, and putting it all together in a way that effectively communicates the message of the film. This has been the most challenging and exhausting projects I’ve ever worked on. Needless to say, it’s taking a bit longer than I had initially estimated. Presently, it appears as though the project will be broken up into two separate films. If all remains on track, Part One will be released in April or May with Part Two to follow later in the year. In the meantime, I want to continue to occasionally share some short teaser clips. Please continue to pray for the film and all that goes into its completion. Thanks so much and God Bless. Joel

The following clip is from an interview I conducted on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem with Sheikh Ekrima Said Sabri. Sabri is the department head of Qur’anic and Islamic Studies at Al-Quds University. He is also the son of the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem of the same name.

Sheikh Sabri Teaser Clip from Joel Richardson on Vimeo.

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3 Responses

  1. Hi Joel,

    Hope you’re well in the Lord. There’s one thing a lot of western people wouldn’t pick up on in what he said in this clip. When he talked about treason against the state (the idea being many nations accept that treason against the state is punishable by death) many would think that is just an example of how apostasy is viewed in Islam, but it’s much more than that. He says that because there’s no separation between Islam and state in an actual pure Islamic theocracy. So it’s not just an illusion, apostasy for a Muslim in an Islamic theocracy is actually in reality treason against the state.

    But you of course know this already. Just pointing out how many watching the clip would just think it’s just an analogy.


  2. First of all let me say may The Lord bless you with everything you do and I just read the Mid East beast and let me tell you it is genius nothing seems to be more clearer for the antichrist and it’s coming than this, AMAZING! I cannot wait for the film

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