Joel Richardson

Point of View Interview with Kerby Anderson


I had the opportunity today to visit with Kerby Anderson of the Point of View Radio Talk Show. Click here to listen to the full interview.

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12 Responses

  1. Great job Joel, could you please post a study about Istanbul and how it is a better fit than Rome as the great city of Revelation? Thanks, praying for your protection.

  2. i thought Mecca was the Mystery Babylon in Revelation? Istanbul? (i havent listened to the post, cant play it)

  3. it plays – for some reason it takes about 5-10 min to load so dont give up when nothing happens. Just click on it and go run the bath 😉

    Im also on the fence about post of pre trib. If its a post trib rapture, what is the interpretation of 2 Thess 2:7 – “He who now letteth shall let, til he be taken out of the way” – if this is not the church?
    Cant be the Holy Spirit, or how would Christians make it through the trib?
    The only other explanation I can think of is
    this might be, for want of a better word, western powers. I dont like putting “the West” into a middle eastern book, but if this IS Islam we are talking about, then historically, they have been restrained – Charles Martel, reconquest of Portugual, Spain, the Ottoman/Hapsburg wars (e.g. siege of Malta, Vienna, battle of Lepanto were big ottoman setbacks), etc etc.
    “He that hinders shall continue to hinder until he be taken out of the way”.

    Is there another explanation of that verse?

  4. Though a bit off topic there is this blog that was founded by a French Christian,in fact 2 blogs,one in French and the other in English( and have alot of articles in favor of Christianity and against Islam.

    Guys,did you know Allah in the Quran curses Christians “until the DAY of RESURRECTION”(sura 5:14) and JEWS “until the DAY of RESURRECTION”(sura 5:64),plus more,check it out here:

    “What to Say to Koran-Only Muslims:the Koran Verses they Can’t Say have a Different Meaning”

    “The True Furqan,an Imitation of the Koran,written to Prove it False”

  5. Giles, if the Holy Spirit was taken from the earth prior to the Tribulation how could there be Tribulation saints? No one can become born again without the Spirit.

  6. Joel varner,
    Yes, I know – thats why I dont believe that “He who restrains” is the Holy Spirit. And if post Trib is correct, that rules out the church who will be “taken out of the way”.
    So, what does it refer to?

  7. I was very surprised to learn that Istanbul is on seven hills, and that there are multiple waters about her. I was researching this city because someone in the U.N. recently said they thought Istanbul, situated at two continents, should be a world capital. The history of slavery (the harlot is described as a city of slavers) is horrendous, horrendous, horrendous. I’ve always wondered if some world capital would develop that would be a fountainhead of world persecution of Christians (or –the world about Israel, which consists of the fascist Islamic countries). What about Istanbul?

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