Joel Richardson

Martyrdom, Missions & the Maturity of the Church / “He has been enough.”


I want to keep everyone up to speed on Dalton Thomas’ forthcoming book, Martyrdom, Missions and the Maturity of the Church. When Dalton told me about his plans and concept for this book, I so deeply resonated with everything he described. Someone was speaking my language and articulating the message that (1) the majority of the modern Church has lost, (2) the message which the early Church carried as a foundational and even basic component of their faith, (4) a message which permeates the Scriptures, and (3) a message which the younger generation today is absolutely yearning for. Even as Dalton’s previous book, The Controversy of Zion and the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, carries an essential message for the Church today, so also, I believe, does this next book contain a message that must be heard if the Church is to fulfill her primary calling to proclaim the amazingly good news concerning the coming Messianic Kingdom and the destruction of this present corrupt and wicked system.

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