Joel Richardson

Debunking the European Antichrist (UPDATED)?


Dear bothers and sisters in Christ, Bible Prophecy In The News and The Beast From the East recently posted a new article entitled Debunking the European Antichrist. A certain number of individuals have challenged the Assyrian Antichrist connection by saying that it was the Roman government that ordered the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, therefore it does not matter whether the Roman soldiers were Assyrians or not. In fact, the opposite is true.

In his work, The Wars of the Jews book 6 chapter 4, Josephus who most likely was an eyewitness to these events says that the Roman government DID NOT want the Temple to be destroyed. The Roman soldiers did it out of disobedience to the Roman government simply because they hated the Jews. The Roman legions that destroyed the Temple were composed mostly of Assyrian soldiers as we mention in the article by citing many different historical sources.

Read the updated version of our article in which we cite almost the entire passage of Josephus to show that the idea that it was the Roman government ordered the destruction of the Jewish Temple is simply not true. Go to the article by clicking to following link:

Beast From the East

If the link does not work, go to , go to the article page and look for Debunking the European Antichrist. It is the first article at the top of the page.

In Christ’s service,

Rodrigo Silva

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One Response

  1. Hey, Joel.
    Your signed books are superlative. Your research are out of this world. Everything lined up with Bible prophecy in regards to Islam. Do you have another book coming out soon. I can’t wait.
    Thank you.

    **** by the way, Joel, has Rodriga Silva joined your ministry. I noted a few of his good articles are on your and other prophecy ministries website.

    Others and I have sent him emails and we have received no response.
    I tried and it was not his website.

    Can you help me with the correct email for Rodriga Silva.

    Would really appreciate it.

    Thank you

    Connie Mitchell

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