Rick Warren Blames The Messenger

Joel Richardson Pastor Rick Warren has responded to those who have criticized his methods regarding outreach to Muslims, which includes joining together with Muslims for the purpose of interfaith social projects. Warren’s response came in the form of an interview on Pastors.com, a site sponsored by Warren’s ministry. An editor’s note at the beginning of […]
Rick Warren’s Tower of Babel?

By Joel Richardson An article in the Orange County Register reports that Rick Warren, the man dubbed “America’s Pastor,” has launched a new program called “King’s Way,” the purpose of which is to promote peace and unity between Muslims and Christians. As part of their effort to promote their mutual goals, Warren’s pastoral staff and […]
Standing Firm For Israel

Despite being well aware of just how much potential for evil the human heart holds, I still sometimes find myself scratching my head at times when I ponder just how much some folks allow hatred to overwhelm them. I suppose it was always there, but the Internet certainly provides an excellent opportunity for some folks […]
The Nations of Gog and Magog
The Caliphate: One Year Later

In the following program, Glenn Beck, General Jerry Boykin, Erick Stakelbeck, and Frank Gaffney discuss the Arab Spring and what they believe might be next. Discussion of Turkey’s role features prominently. Only a few years ago, the predictions that I made in my book Islamic Antichrist concerning the future of Turkey were often met with […]
New Bible Yanks “Father,” Jesus as “Son of God”

Joel Richardson In the world of questionable and sometimes downright silly Bible translations, one would think that it couldn’t get any worse. After all, we’ve seen the “In da beginnin’ Big Daddy created da heaven an’ da earth” Ebonics Bible, as well as the “Apostle’s Log” Star Trek English paraphrase Bible. In a more serious […]
Does Psalm 83 Describe the Next Middle East War?

Throughout the Christian church, an idea that has gained much traction in recent years holds that the next major Middle Eastern war is described in Psalm 83. According to this view, a contingent of Arab nations that immediately surround Israel will soon make an attempt to invade her, only to be utterly defeated by the […]